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social,and technological factors."The CEQA statute(PRC Section 21081)and Guidelines(14 CCR Section <br /> 15019[a][3])also provide that"other"considerations may form the basis for a finding of infeasibility.Case <br /> law makes clear that a mitigation measure or alternative can be deemed infeasible on the basis of its failure <br /> to meet project objectives or on related public policy grounds. <br /> The EIR for the proposed Plan conducted a comparison of three alternatives: The Reconfigured Site Plan <br /> Alternative,the Reduced Development Alternative,and the No Project Alternative,described below along <br /> with the findings relevant to each alternative. <br /> No Project Alternative <br /> The No Project Alternative represents what would be reasonably expected to occur in the foreseeable future <br /> if the Plan were not approved and the Existing Specific Plan(as amended in 2014)was left unchanged and <br /> in effect.This alternative would maintain all current land use designations and definitions from the Existing <br /> Specific Plan as amended to date; there would be no new mixed-use land use designations and no new <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay. Under the No Project Alternative, proposed new policies concerning <br /> topics such as mobility,design,historic preservation,public facilities,and economic vitality would not be <br /> implemented. Furthermore,the civic center would remain in its existing location and would not relocate, <br /> and the program of uses on the Bernal Property would remain as originally presented in the Bernal Phase <br /> II Master Plan.Projected development at buildout under this alternative would be reduced compared to the <br /> Plan,resulting in 1,530 housing units,4,200 residents,and 3,400 jobs. <br /> • Air Quality:The No Project Alternative would have similar significant impacts to the Plan in the <br /> area of air quality.While the No Project Alternative would result in a lower level of development, <br /> and therefore reduce construction-related emissions of criteria air pollutants,this alternative would <br /> not include Plan policies aimed at reducing vehicle-related emissions or Mitigation Measures AQ- <br /> 1 through AQ-4. Emissions of PM2.5 and PKo would exceed BAAQMD thresholds, as with the <br /> Plan.Emissions of ROG would not exceed BAAQMD thresholds but would increase over existing <br /> conditions. Given that land uses would not change following implementation of the No Project <br /> Alternative, this Alternative would not locate any new sensitive receptors near stationary sources <br /> of air pollutants,resulting in a less than significant impact. <br /> • Cultural, Historic,and Tribal Cultural Resources:The No Project Alternative would introduce a <br /> new significant impact in the area of paleontological resources. Unlike the Plan,the impact of the <br /> No Project Alternative on paleontological resources could be significant and unavoidable as this <br /> Alternative would not include the Plan implementation program aimed at preventing the direct or <br /> indirect destruction of a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature. <br /> • Energy, Climate Change, and GHG Emissions: The No Project Alternative would increase <br /> significant impacts in the area of energy,climate change,and GHG emissions.While the No Project <br /> Alternative would result in a lower level of development and a lower population than the Plan, it <br /> does not include Plan policies aimed at reducing vehicle-related GHG emissions or mitigation <br /> measures (AQ-1, AQ-2, AQ-3, AQ-4, GHG-1) supporting additional GHG reduction strategies, <br /> and therefore would generate more operational emissions than the mitigated Plan.As with the Plan, <br /> per service population emissions under the No Project Alternative would exceed the efficiency <br /> metric of 1.7 MTCO2e per service population which constitutes "sufficient progress" towards <br /> achieving the goals established under SB 32 and EO S-3-05.Therefore,the No Project Alternative <br /> would have a significant and unavoidable impact on the environment due to GHG emissions and <br /> would conflict with plans aimed at reducing GHGs.Additionally,the No Project Alternative does <br /> not provide new policies requiring the attainment of strategies established by the City of Pleasanton <br /> Climate Action Plan to reach the targets of SB 32 and EO S-3-05.Implementation of the No Project <br /> 20 <br />(MERV)filters. <br /> 13 <br />