planning area.Implementation of Plan policies MP-P.1 through MP-P.31 and MP-P.45 would ensure that
<br /> impacts to the performance and safety of such facilities would not occur.However,the Plan proposes bicycle
<br /> facilities that are not included in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and does not provide specific
<br /> policies that would reduce this conflict to a less than significant level.
<br /> (c) Rationale and Conclusion: The EIR includes the following mitigation measure to alleviate the
<br /> significant impact noted above:
<br /> • TRA-9:Conduct a feasibility study for the proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the proposed
<br /> Plan. Should the facilities be deemed feasible, amend the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
<br /> to reflect the bicycle and pedestrian improvements included in the proposed Plan. Should
<br /> improvements been deemed infeasible, amend the proposed Plan.
<br /> With the implementation of Mitigation Measure TRA-9, the impact would be reduced to a less than
<br /> significant level. (Draft EIR,pp.3.12-56.)
<br /> K. Significant and Unavoidable Impacts
<br /> 1. Air Quality
<br /> Impact 3.2-2:Development under the Plan would violate air quality standards,contribute substantially to
<br /> an existing or projected air quality violation,or result in a cumulatively considerable net increase in criteria
<br /> pollutants for which the region is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or State ambient air quality
<br /> standard(including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors).
<br /> (a) Facts in Support of Finding: Development under the Plan that would exceed the Bay Area Air
<br /> Quality Management District's (BAAQMD) regional significance thresholds would contribute to the
<br /> nonattainment designation of the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin (SFBAAB),which constitutes an air
<br /> quality violation. The SFBAAB is currently designated a nonattainment area for State and national ozone
<br /> ambient air quality standards (AAQS),as well as the State particulate matter(PM2.5 and PM,o) standards.
<br /> Construction associated with new land use developments under the Plan would result in the temporary
<br /> generation of ozone precursors(reactive organic gas[ROG] and nitrogen oxides[NOX]),carbon monoxide
<br /> [CO], and particulate matter emissions. Operational sources under the specific plan update, including
<br /> mobile, area, and energy sources, would result in a net increase in criteria pollutant emissions of ROG,
<br /> PM,o,and PM2.5 and potential violation of ROG,PM,o,and PM2.5 air quality standards.To reduce the Plan's
<br /> criteria pollutant emissions in 2040, Mitigation Measures AQ-1 and AQ-2 are recommended. Even with
<br /> mitigation,implementation of the Plan would generate operational ROG emissions in excess of BAAQMD
<br /> air quality standards.
<br /> (b) Effect of Plan Policies and Remaining Impacts:No policies within the Plan would further reduce
<br /> impacts related to construction. However, the comprehensive suite of Plan policies would reduce the
<br /> severity of growth-oriented criteria pollutants by locating uses in proximity to transit(i.e., the ACE train
<br /> station), fostering bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and supporting sustainable land use patterns,
<br /> including mixed-use design and increased density(policies EV-P.2, LD-P.5, LD-P.30, LD-P.40, MP-P.8,
<br /> MP-P.9, MP-P.16, MP-P.18, MP-P.21, MP-P.22, MP-P.25, MP-P.26, MP-P.29, MP-P.30, MP-P.32, MP-
<br /> P.43,implementing action LD-I.3).
<br /> (c) Rationale and Conclusion: The Plan includes policies and implementing actions that would
<br /> minimize air pollution to the extent feasible. Mitigation Measures AQ-1 and AQ-2 would further reduce
<br /> emissions of ROGs and particulate matter by requiring development project applicants to prepare and
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<br />hour.
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<br />cer hazard index exceeds 1.0, the
<br /> applicant will be required to identify and demonstrate that mitigation measures are capable of
<br /> reducing potential cancer and non-cancer risks to an acceptable level(i.e.,below ten in one million or
<br /> a hazard index of 1.0), including appropriate enforcement mechanisms.Measures to reduce risk may
<br /> include but are not limited to:
<br /> - Air intakes located away from high volume roadways and/or truck loading zones.
<br /> - Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems of the buildings provided with appropriately
<br /> sized maximum efficiency rating value(MERV)filters.
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