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PAGE 19 <br /> other words, if the Maintenance District were required to construct and maintain the local <br /> curb and gutter, the budget would increase by at least 10%. <br /> The City of Pleasanton owns and maintains a storm drainage system along the border of the <br /> Maintenance District. This system serves to prevent flooding and associated damage to the <br /> Improvements, and manage urban runoff including local pollutants loading from the <br /> Improvements. The contribution from the City of Pleasanton toward general benefit from the <br /> maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of the local storm drainage system is <br /> conservatively estimated to be 10%, based upon the relative cost to construct and maintain <br /> this critical local infrastructure. In other words, if the Maintenance District were required to <br /> construct and maintain the local storm drainage system, the budget would increase by at <br /> least 10%. <br /> The City of Pleasanton owns and maintains local public streets throughout the Maintenance <br /> District. These public streets provide access to the Improvements for its enjoyment as well <br /> as efficient maintenance.The contribution from the City of Pleasanton toward general benefit <br /> from the maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of the local public streets is <br /> conservatively estimated to be 10%, based upon the relative cost to construct and maintain <br /> this critical local infrastructure. In other words, if the Maintenance District were required to <br /> construct and maintain the local public streets, the budget would increase by at least 10%. <br /> The value of the initial Improvements constructed by the Developer can be quantified and <br /> monetized as an annuity to be amortized. Since the initial Improvements were performed <br /> and paid for by non-assessment funds, this "annuity" can be used to offset general benefit <br /> costs, and is conservatively estimated to contribute 20%. In other words, if the Maintenance <br /> District were required to construct all the Improvements, the annual budget would increase <br /> by at least 20%. <br /> In other words, there is a 13.3%contribution needed to offset the general benefits conferred <br /> by the Improvements, and there is a 50% contribution from City of Pleasanton supporting <br /> local infrastructure, along with the amortized value of initial construction. This 50% <br /> contribution more than satisfies the general benefit requirements. <br /> The estimates used above for the City of Pleasanton's"in-kind," non-monetary contributions <br /> for the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement of the curbs and gutters,storm drainage <br /> systems, local streets (the "supportive infrastructure"), and the value of the initial <br /> Improvements constructed by the Developer, are based on industry standards; typical and <br /> standard quantity ratios between this supportive infrastructure (including the City's relative <br /> associated maintenance costs) and similar Improvements; and on the assessment <br /> Engineer's professional experience on planning and working in such projects. <br /> Additionally, and based on the continued withdrawal from the Maintenance District reserve <br /> fund to balance the annual budget, the City has allocated funds from the General Fund for <br /> a consultant to review a proposed Prop 218 assessment increase for the Bonde Ranch <br /> Maintenance District. The cost for this work will be$6,112 for fiscal year 2019-20, which will <br /> Circ oF PLEASANTON <br /> LIGHTING&LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No.1993-2,BONDE RANCH SC IConsultingGroup <br /> ENGINEER'S REPORT,FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 <br />