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City staff's initial funding recommendation to the commissions was to fund all twenty- <br /> seven (27) applicants. Staff recommendations have traditionally attempted to provide at <br /> least some level of funding for most programs that provide useful services to the <br /> community. <br /> Applications Recommended for HOME AND LIHF Funding <br /> In past years, the City has utilized its LIHF funds to supplement limited CDBG program <br /> funding for important housing-related services. Federal HOME Funds received through <br /> the Alameda County HOME Consortium have also historically been appropriated <br /> through the HHSG Process. Housing services applications were reviewed by the <br /> Housing Commission at its March 21 meeting. The draft minutes from the meeting are <br /> included as Attachment 3. <br /> The recommendations summarized below would result in the allocation of $184,695 in <br /> LIHF funds and $102,452 in HOME funds for FY 2019/20. The funding recommendations <br /> for these two sources have historically varied based on the applications received and the <br /> availability of federal money. <br /> Funding Recommendations <br /> FY HOME LIHF <br /> 14/15 $450,000 $119,500 <br /> 15/16 $74,756 $90,233 <br /> 16/17 $82,544 $266,336 <br /> 17/18 $70,000 $140,000 <br /> 18/19 $140,000 $67,000 <br /> 19/20 $102,452 $184,695 <br /> Abode Services/ Tri-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program <br /> Abode Services has applied for a total of $150,000 in HHSG funding for the Tri- <br /> Valley Housing Rapid Re-housing Program (TVRRP) which would provide housing <br /> support services and temporary subsidies to households who are homeless or at risk <br /> of homelessness in Pleasanton. Of the total amount, $95,305 would be for rent <br /> subsidies which are traditionally funded using federal HOME funds. The remaining <br /> funding requested ($54,695) would be for case management and related housing <br /> services and would be eligible for funding through the LIHF as in the past. <br /> CityServe of the Tri-Valley/Homeless Street Outreach/Homelessness Prevention <br /> CityServe has applied for $50,000 to provide street outreach services in Pleasanton <br /> to individuals who are homeless, extremely vulnerable, and currently disconnected <br /> from services. The CityServe team has been working and will continue to work <br /> closely with Pleasanton Police, City staff, and other service providers to identify <br /> people who are homeless and on the street. The goal is to connect these persons <br /> Page 7of11 <br />