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Nancy Storch said she lives two doors down from the daycare and presented photographs of <br /> the kids playing. She spoke of the habit of kids playing in the street and asked the Commission <br /> to think about the U-turns that must be made at the end of the street. Ms. Arango would be <br /> allowed 14 children at a time and she has three sessions. This equals 42 children who can <br /> attend the daycare, which would be the number of vehicles, or up to 84 U-turns, per day on the <br /> street which is a risk and danger for the street. She thinks the number of children will continue <br /> or expand in the future and she cited the situation as dangerous. <br /> Robby Perkins said he is Ms. Arango's husband and he spoke of Pleasanton as a special <br /> place because of its school district. He and Rocio lived in Santa Clara and many of the schools <br /> did not have a dual immersion program like Pleasanton. The State has passed laws due to the <br /> needs in the community to provide daycare. Amigo's Daycare is a feeder school into Valley <br /> View, so it serves a community need. He continued by saying that extensive analysis has been <br /> done by the State on traffic, noise, large daycare operations, and standards. This is a <br /> preschool and not a bar and he said the total number of children/trips would be eight children <br /> multiplied by two, which is 16. He also stressed that some parents do walk and bike to and <br /> from the daycare. Lastly, he asked that the Commission consider the greater community need. <br /> Amy Taylor said she wanted to address parking numbers jumping from currently 40-60 to <br /> possibly up to 80 and the fact that people are allowed to drive in on Sauterne Way, as there <br /> are two entrances in and one entrance out. She thinks Ms. Arango can ask parents to enter on <br /> Sauterne Way and exit another way. She did not believe the numbers voiced were realistic and <br /> asked for approval. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> Commissioner Balch inquired whether Sauterne Way as a one-way street was necessary and <br /> asked how the City would determine when that traffic calming mitigation was no longer <br /> necessary, given improvements on Vineyard Avenue. <br /> Mr. Beaudin responded that the City typically does not remove traffic calming once it has been <br /> installed, but they could look into it. There is a neighborhood calming process, which requires a <br /> vote from the neighborhood prior to installation; a vote would be required to remove it as well. <br /> Commissioner Balch asked what factors would leave the City to re-evaluate what has been put <br /> in place in light of Vineyard Avenue's changes, altering the traffic patterns. <br /> Mr. Tassano responded that within the traffic calming program there is the option to allow staff <br /> to remove any traffic calming device. For its initial installation, the support of two-thirds of <br /> Chardonnay Drive residents was needed; anyone having direct access needed to express the <br /> desire to make it a one-way road; the same process is required for removal. He said the <br /> neighboring courts were also included and staff surveyed half of Sylvaner Drive, since that's <br /> where vehicles would also use Chardonnay Drive. He stated residents would need to contact <br /> him to start that process and would need to obtain signatures of at least two-thirds of the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />, but education of <br /> their children should be something of more importance. <br /> Noelia Vasquez said she has a nine-year-old child in the program and Ms. Arango helped him <br /> speak English. She has learned it is very important for kids to become bilingual and spoke <br /> highly of the daycare and of Ms. Arango and asked for the Commission's approval. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />mmunity. She follows all rules and instructs the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />