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parents to do the same, passes regular inspections, makes upgrades as requested, and <br /> continually invests in her business to ensure it is safe for children; her home is very <br /> comfortable for their kids. As working parents, they rely on Amigo's Daycare for much-needed <br /> afterschool care for their children and full daycare for their youngest. Since kindergarten ends <br /> at 12:55 p.m. and he works in the City and his wife is a teacher, the afterschool program is <br /> very important to them. He feels Ms. Arango has created a community of active and engaged <br /> parents, several of whom are teachers and district employees. He encouraged the <br /> Commission to uphold approval and allow Ms. Arango to continue to serve the community. <br /> Karen Wormuth stated she is the next door neighbor to the right and voiced opposition to the <br /> daycare. She understands parents feel this is a service that is good for the community, which <br /> is great, but they do not live in the neighborhood where this is taking the place. Currently, she <br /> must endure cars driving in and out and while there are only eight children now, she was <br /> almost hit the other day because a parent was not paying attention. She said the parent drove <br /> straight towards her in her vehicle and then realized she was coming right at her and swerved. <br /> She then drove to the end of the court, turned around and pulled in front of the house, despite <br /> the driveway being empty. <br /> Ms. Wormuth continued to say that Ms. Arango currently doesn't abide by the rules and has no <br /> respect, even parking in front of her house. She expressed her anger and said if Ms. Arango <br /> cared so much about the people in the neighborhood, she would've done her diligence before <br /> she leased the home and moved in. She questioned why the owners of the home did not hold <br /> a community meeting to ask neighbors how they felt as homeowners and stated it's because <br /> they don't care. She then cited parking problems, noise, screaming kids, and said there has <br /> been an email trail going back and forth with City staff regarding a traffic count meter. She said <br /> she noticed there was a counter meter for traffic placed in the street without permission from <br /> the City; when the City was informed of it, they removed it. <br /> Doug Vierra, Jr., said he is a Pleasanton resident and a teacher in Belmont. He had a child <br /> who attended the daycare and said the City and its residents need a daycare like this and it's <br /> an asset to the City. In response to the previous speaker, a meeting held beforehand would've <br /> been great, but he was sure that the daycare would've been opposed. He thinks this is <br /> something the City needs and is why the State has set up its regulations. Lastly, he is a high <br /> school teacher and thinks Ms. Arango is an exemplary educator; she teaches the children and <br /> it is not just a daycare but an asset to the entire community. <br /> Erica Gallegos voiced support of the daycare, said Ms. Arango has adopted more than 10 <br /> low-income families in her program, and she supports what the program gives to the children. <br /> It is easy for parents to leave their children in her care while they go off to work. She said their <br /> children are their future and Ms. Arango has given them a great opportunity to be bilingual, as <br /> well. She understands there are many regulations and rules regarding traffic, but education of <br /> their children should be something of more importance. <br /> Noelia Vasquez said she has a nine-year-old child in the program and Ms. Arango helped him <br /> speak English. She has learned it is very important for kids to become bilingual and spoke <br /> highly of the daycare and of Ms. Arango and asked for the Commission's approval. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />mmunity. She follows all rules and instructs the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />