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the City Manager not be available or an acting City Manager at the time, with an eye at <br />meeting the shot clock. <br />Commissioner Brown said there was a preference in the policy for arterials first, collectors next <br />and local streets last. As an example, if an application was made for a local street, would it be <br />within the Community Development Director's purview to deny that and propose a location for <br />an arterial first. <br />Mr. May said it would not be denied just because it was on a local street. The application <br />requirements and policy states when the carrier submits and it is for something that is not the <br />most preferred location, the carrier must show them that they did their homework and there are <br />either no other preferred locations within the defined radius or there were, but those locations <br />were not feasible for a reason. So, the analysis would be whether the carrier provided that <br />analysis and is it believable. <br />Commissioner Brown said the FAQ talked about the fact that if the RF analysis is certified, the <br />City cannot question its validity. So, he asked if this would suffice for not considering another <br />site. <br />Mr. May said he thinks this more refers to propagation or feasibility of a particular location to <br />cover an objective. When talking about an RF study that has been certified, they meet <br />compliance with health and safety. We know the technologies are coming but do not know <br />what they will do or look like. Therefore, at this time we can only plan for what is being <br />deployed. <br />He thought that having some flexibility in the document or the way the standards are drawn <br />would be a good thing, and if the Commission wanted to facilitate 5G deployments now he <br />thinks using pre -approved designs negotiated with carriers might be a better option than <br />adjusting some of the standards. The Commission could place something like that in policy <br />such that if the Community Development Director determined something was in the public's <br />interest and was consistent with the standards, they could designate it as pre -approved to <br />accommodate 5G. <br />Commissioner Brown stated this would be his preference. <br />Commissioner Balch said he does not believe the public comment period should ever be <br />stricken from any process that is a government approval process. Many daycare centers had <br />to be approved with people objecting, but they fall under State law. He voiced strong support <br />for the public notice period being retained so notice would go out to the affected parties. <br />Whether the public shows up would be up to them, and he found Mr. Williams' comments <br />extremely repugnant relating to subjectivity and allowance for public comments. <br />Regarding the time period and whether they should they slow down, Commissioner Balch said <br />there does appear to be some time given the deadline is April 14, and he asked staff to <br />elaborate on timing. <br />Ms. Harryman said the quickest they could have City Council review would be at their March <br />11 meeting, which is a special meeting. That night the Council will be presented with two <br />Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 12 February 20, 2019 <br />