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Commissioner Welsh questioned if the City of Pleasanton had a 'safety net' fund that could <br />assist people who could not afford the rent increase. Mr. Hernandez advised that the only <br />program available would be the rental assistance program with Echo Housing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gaidos, seconded by Commissioner Galvin, to adopt the <br />Annual Operating Budget for Ridgeview Commons for 2019 as presented. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Gaidos, Galvin, Welsh. and Chairperson Soby. <br />NOES: Commissioner Kiziloglu <br />ABSENT: Commissioner MacTernan <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Commissioner Galvin commented on fundraising and donations made by PPIE and wondered if <br />this was something that could be considered by Ridgeview Commons, for example corporate <br />sponsorship. <br />Chairperson Soby discussed projected disaster that have not yet occurred and felt that the <br />Commission should wait and see what happens. He requested that Mr. Barcelon advise the <br />Commission when he learns about tenants that may have difficulties meeting the increased <br />rents. <br />MATTERS INITIATED BY MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION <br />A, Commissioner Welsh provided information about a Social Justice Committee asking what <br />they could do for homelessness in the city and church groups that might be interested in also <br />getting involved. She also questioned whether Rachel from Abode had provided a report on <br />homelessness in the City of Pleasanton. Mr. Hernandez commented on HIPPA not allowing <br />information to be released. <br />Commissioner Kiziloglu advised that'Everyone Home' will be doing a survey in January 2019 <br />and Mr. Hernandez provided information on the methodology of HUD for collection information. <br />Commissioner Welsh stated that she would like to have an opportunity to talk with Rachel from <br />Abode and Mr. Hernandez indicated that she would connect Commissioner Welsh with Becky <br />Hopkins who could provide data pertaining to the homeless. <br />COMMISSION REPORTS <br />None. <br />FUTURE MEETING AGENDAS <br />Mr. Hernandez questioned whether Commissioners would be available for a meeting on December <br />20th. It was agreed that a quorum would be available. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. by unanimous consent. <br />Page - 4 - <br />