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3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda <br /> Lawrence Kohl, Pacific Chamber Orchestra (PCO) Music Director— commented on the amount <br /> of time that PCO worked and served with the City of Pleasanton. Stated he was coming <br /> before the Commission to apologize that nobody from PCO had attended one of the <br /> mandatory grant meetings and felt while the information meeting is important, not attending <br /> seems to be punitive. <br /> Mr. Kohl reviewed with the Commission several comments he had provided in writing that <br /> included: <br /> • Locking out an organization completely not only punishes the organization, but also <br /> punishes the community by not having the service available to the community. <br /> • Since the grant application is exactly the same at the previous year, a non-attending <br /> organization is being locked-out for what seems to be an empty requirement. <br /> • In past years, his group and others, have given up portions of grant funds to help the <br /> Commission be able to provide funding to other organizations. <br /> • Groups missing mandatory meeting could do what PCO has done and submit an <br /> application and request consideration. <br /> Commissioners were asked by Mr. Kohl to consider restrictions placed on volunteer-run <br /> organizations and consider a penalty for PCO, but not lock them out of the grant process. He <br /> also noted that he has heard a fair amount of grumbling from other organizations about the <br /> requirement to attend one of the mandatory meetings. <br /> MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION <br /> 4. City Council 2019-2020 Two-Year Work Plan Prioritization Process <br /> Mr. Dolan provided information and the City Council Two-Year Work Plan advising that it was <br /> adopted over 13-years ago as a way the community could be informed of Council's `shared <br /> vision' and at the same time providing the City Manager with policy direction necessary to <br /> direct City resources and prepare the annual budget and capital improvement plan. <br /> Information was provided by Mr. Dolan on the city's Vision Statement and how City Council's <br /> goals and objectives are organized into categories that reflect an overview of the city's short- <br /> and long-term objectives: <br /> • Develop Bernal Community Park <br /> • General Plan Implementation <br /> • Maintain Fiscal Responsibility <br /> • Address Affordable Housing <br /> • Implement Improved Traffic Circulation Measures <br /> • Foster Economic Development <br /> • Strengthen Youth Programs, Services and Activities <br /> • Assure a Safe and Secure Community <br /> Civic Arts Commission Minutes <br /> February 4, 2019 <br /> Page 2 <br />