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City of Pleasanton
Entry Properties
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1/29/2019 4:23:29 PM
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a. "Maximum Floor Area Ratio"is the maximum permitted ratio of the Gross Square Footage of a building or buildings on a Parcel <br /> to the total Parcel area.The Gross Square Footage of a building or buildings shall be the sum of the area of each floor,excluding <br /> mechanical penthouses and subgrade basements, measured horizontally to the outside faces of the exterior walls. <br /> b. Any Parcel containing a single structure that combines differing story height elements shall have a Maximum Floor Area Ratio <br /> equal to that ratio indicated for the highest number of stories. <br /> c. Any Parcel upon which separate structures of differing story height elements are constructed shall have a Maximum Floor Area <br /> Ratio equal to a weighted average of Minimum Floor Area Ratio for each type of structure;such average shall be computed using <br /> as weights the actual number of square feet contained in each structure as specified in the formula below. <br /> Let X = square footage of one story structure <br /> Let Y = square footage of two story structure <br /> Let Z = square footage of three story structure <br /> Let W = square footage of four story structure <br /> Let 35%,40%,45%,and 50%be the Maximum Floor Area Ratio for one-story,two-story,three-story,and four-story structures, <br /> respectively- <br /> Then X + Y + Z + W Must be less than or equal to the total <br /> .35 .40 .45 .50 square footage of the Parcel <br /> 2. "Maximum Height" is the vertical distance by which any part of an Improvement rises above the top of the highest street curb on or <br /> immediately adjacent to the Parcel, or the vertical distance from the top of the building pad to the top of the highest point of any <br /> improvement, whichever is greater. <br /> 3. "Minimum Landscape Ratio"is the minimum permitted ratio of the square footage of the total landscape area to the total Parcel area. See <br /> also the Landscape Requirements in the Appendix table,Landscape Required Adjacent to Buildings.Landscape Area shall include all planting, <br /> walks, and plaza areas located on the grounds but not those on structures. <br /> 4. "Minimum Parking Ratio" is the minimum permitted ratio of the number of parking spaces on a Parcel to the Gross Square Footage of a <br /> building or buildings on a Parcel. Notwithstanding the Minimum Parking Ratio set forth in this table, the use of any Parcel or portion of a <br /> Parcel for any type of medical/dental clinics or related facilities shall require a Minimum Parking Ratio of 1 per 250 square feet of that <br /> specific use. Prior to the issuance of a business license, zoning certification and/or a building permit, the applicant for any medical <br /> occupancy must submit written documentation of current use,square footage and available parking for the subject site demonstrating the <br /> availability of 4.00 parking spaces/1,000 square feet of gross floor area for that portion of the site devoted to medical use. <br /> 5. The Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Minimum Parking Ratio for all buildings within the CPD District shall be limited as follows: <br /> Maximum Floor Minimum <br /> Uses Area Ratio Parking Ratio <br /> Free Standing Restaurant 12.5% 1 per 150 sf <br /> Hotel/Motel 40.0% except 1 per room plus 1 per employee at maximum shift <br /> 60.0% on Parcel 56A <br /> Garden Office 40.0% 1 per 250 sf <br /> Commercial/Retail 30.0% 1 per 200 sf <br /> Hotel/Motel uses combined with restaurant uses on a single parcel shall provide parking equal to the requirements for hotel/motel use plus <br /> the restaurant use,treating each individually.Specialized commercial land uses such as auto sales shall be reviewed on a case by case basis <br /> with regard to variances to the above criteria. <br /> 6. Residential land uses shall be subject to individual site plan approval;site plan shall respect the spirit of the Design Guidelines and shall be <br /> subject to approval by the Hacienda Owners Association's Design Review Committee and the city. <br /> 7. Development standards for MOIPD uses shall be determined by the use proposed for the site.These standards shall be based on the number <br /> of floors proposed in the tallest proposed building on the site and shall be as follows: <br />
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