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Investment Authority: Except as otherwise noted, the Trustee, US Bank, has delegated <br /> investment authority to HighMark Capital Management, an SEC-registered investment adviser. <br /> Investment Manager has full investment discretion over the managed assets in the account. <br /> Investment Manager is authorized to purchase, sell, exchange, invest, reinvest and manage the <br /> designated assets held in the account, all in accordance with account's investment objectives, <br /> without prior approval or subsequent approval of any other party(ies). <br /> Investment Objectives and Constraints <br /> The goal of the Plan's investment program is to provide a reasonable level of growth which, will <br /> result in sufficient assets to pay the present and future obligations of the Plan. The following <br /> objectives are intended to assist in achieving this goal: <br /> • The Plan should seek to earn a return in excess of its policy benchmark over the life of <br /> the Plan. <br /> • The Plan's assets will be managed on a total return basis which takes into consideration <br /> both investment income and capital appreciation. While the Plan Sponsor recognizes the <br /> importance of preservation of capital, it also adheres to the principle that varying degrees <br /> of investment risk are generally rewarded with compensating returns. To achieve these <br /> objectives, the Plan Sponsor allocates its assets (asset allocation) with a strategic <br /> perspective of the capital markets. <br /> Investment Time Horizon: <br /> Anticipated Cash Flows: Assets in the Plan will seek to mitigate the impact of future rate <br /> increases from Calpers. It is not anticipated that the Plan will see <br /> a high level of disbursements in the first ten years of the Plan. <br /> However, situations may arise, leading to a disbursement of <br /> assets to the CaIPERS Trust. <br /> Investment Objective: The primary objective is to generate growth of assets over time. <br /> The assets in this Plan will eventually be used to fund Pension <br /> Plan obligations for assets managed in the CalPER ..Trust. <br /> Risk Tolerance: Custom-The account has a higher level of risk tolerance. The <br /> account's risk tolerance has been rated above average, which <br /> demonstrates that the account can accept significant price <br /> fluctuations to pursue its investment objectives. <br /> City of Pleasanton Employee Benefit Fund Pension Plan <br /> Investment Guidelines Document—HighMark Capital Management, Inc. <br /> (v. 04-20-2018-RY) 4 <br />