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Community Development Department <br /> 91. The project applicant/developer shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard and <br /> erosion control. The amount of this bond will be determined by the Director of <br /> Community Development. The cash bond will be retained by the City until all the <br /> permanent landscaping is installed for the development unless otherwise approved by <br /> the department. <br /> 92. The project developer shall pay any and all fees to which the property may be subject <br /> prior to issuance of permits. The type and amount of the fees shall be those in effect at <br /> the time the permit is issued. <br /> 93. If any prehistoric or historic artifacts, or other indication of cultural resources are found <br /> once the project construction is underway, all work must stop within 20 meters (66 feet) <br /> of the find. A qualified archaeologist shall be consulted for an immediate evaluation of <br /> the find prior to resuming groundbreaking construction activities within 20 meters of the <br /> find. If the find is determined to be an important archaeological resource, the resource <br /> shall be either avoided, if feasible, or recovered consistent with the requirements of the <br /> State CEQA Guidelines. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human remains <br /> in any on-site location, there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or <br /> any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent remains until the County <br /> coroner has determined, in accordance with any law concerning investigation of the <br /> circumstances, the manner and cause of death and has made recommendations <br /> concerning treatment and dispositions of the human remains to the person responsible <br /> for the excavation, or to his/her authorized representative. A similar note shall appear <br /> on the improvement plans. <br /> CODE REQUIREMENTS <br /> (Applicants/Developers are responsible for complying with all applicable Federal, State and <br /> City codes and regulations regardless of whether or not the requirements are part of this list. <br /> The following items are provided for the purpose of highlighting key requirements.) <br /> Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department (LPFD) <br /> 94. All construction shall conform to the requirements of the California Fire Code currently <br /> in effect, City of Pleasanton Building and Safety Division and City of Pleasanton <br /> Ordinance 2153. All required permits shall be obtained. <br /> 95. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in all occupancies in accordance with City of <br /> Pleasanton Ordinance 2153. Installations shall conform to NFPA Pamphlet 13. <br /> 96. Fire alarm system shall be provided and installed in accordance with the CFC currently <br /> in effect, the City of Pleasanton Ordinance 2153 and 2002 NFPA 72 - National Fire <br /> PUD-125, 2350 Santa Rita Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 16 of 23 <br />