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HACIENDA• <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br /> Ownersrlssociation Provided to the City Council <br /> After Distribution of Packet <br /> March 2, 2017 <br /> Date l I 2 - 1 <br /> Mr. Gerry Beaudin <br /> Community Development Director <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> 200 Bernal Avenue <br /> Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br /> Re: Owens Drive Evaluation <br /> Dear Gerry: <br /> This letter is being provided in response to the staff report evaluating traffic conditions on Owens Drive.The Hacienda <br /> Owners Association would like to commend staff for the excellent work done in reviewing this situation and for the <br /> approaches taken to address concerns regarding circulation in the area. We believe that the actions outlined in the report <br /> provide an excellent response to the issues raised while remaining sensitive to,and honoring,the extensive planning work <br /> and consensus building that were undertaken to arrive at an innovative and forward-thinking design for this part of <br /> Hacienda. This is particularly important as we believe that the preservation of this work is essential to both serving the <br /> broad constituency of people who live and work in the community and maintaining the functionality of the underlying <br /> • infrastructure for the full spectrum of users that it is designed to support. <br /> The staff report makes several important points that are critical to the evaluation. We would particularly like to <br /> acknowledge the following: <br /> • In order for the various sites in the vicinity of the arca of evaluation to function properly as mixed-use <br /> transit oriented developments,a convergence of a number of factors must occur.The arrangement of <br /> buildings,uses,roads,paths,public spaces,landscaping and other appurtenances must come together <br /> to not only create a workable whole but, more importantly, a sense of place. The design standards <br /> developed to accomplish this effect took these factors into account in order to plan for a pleasing, <br /> engaging environment for the people who would live in, work in and use the area. Any significant <br /> alteration to this design will dramatically impede the benefits derived for those it is intended to serve. <br /> • The process used to develop the design standards involved an extensive public engagement with a wide <br /> and diverse group of primary and secondary stakeholders.This group was tasked with arriving at a set <br /> of design standards that reflected a specific vision for the area which they did after considerable effort. <br /> It is also worth noting that,since that time,the process used to develop the Hacienda design standards <br /> has been held up as an example of how constructive consensus building can work in the community. <br /> It is therefore,imperative that everything possible be done to make sure that the integrity of this effort <br /> is maintained. <br /> • Pleasanton's Complete Streets policy compels the implementation of mixed transportation mode <br /> design. While the design of the street section in question actually predates the implementation of the <br /> policy it is, nonetheless, wholly aligned with the policy that was adopted. The street design and the <br /> policy both look to provide a full integration of the transportation modes utilized by various users and <br /> to make reasonable accommodations for the elements required by these modes to function.This means <br /> that modes are evaluated relationally and that each pays some deference to the others so that they may <br /> • all work collectively. <br /> Again, we believe that the solutions that staff have implemented to address the concerns expressed succeed on all <br /> accounts.First,they meet the test of imposing the types of reasonable accommodations needed so that the desired mixed- <br /> ■ <br /> 4305 Hacienda Drive,Suite 330,Pleasanton,California 94588-2738 Phone 925.734.6500 Fax 925.734.6501 e-mail www <br />