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Karen Gonzales <br /> 0 rom: Pleasanton City Clerk <br /> ubject: Item #15 on the City Council Agenda - Owens Drive <br /> S1.6PPLE6'� ENTAL MA_____ .. <br /> Original Message Provided to the City Council <br /> From: Kim Pace <br /> Sent: Saturday,January 13, 2018 8:19 AM After Distribution of Packet <br /> To: Mayor and City Council <br /> Subject: Item#15 on the City Council Agenda -Owens Drive Date 110 A <br /> Ladies and Gentlemen, <br /> As a long-time resident of Pleasanton, I have watched it grow from a pleasant suburban town to a small city. With the <br /> influx of more housing and businesses, comes more people. And more people need a way to get around <br /> town. Unfortunately, public transportation is not as efficient or plentiful as it could be. In addition, many who live here <br /> do not work here,which means more cars on the road to get out of town. And more people living here means more <br /> cars on the road to grocery shop, go out to eat, shop retail, etc. <br /> In my opinion, the roads system that was originally designed did not foresee the tremendous influx via growth in <br /> population because our master plan did not foresee state mandated affordable housing. <br /> In the past several years,traffic has become more and more congested, so you can imagine my surprise and dismay <br /> when the planning department deemed it a good thing to narrow down Owens drive across from BART in order to <br /> liPccommodate some on-street parking for new residential housing. I have NO IDEA what the planning department was <br /> hinking by narrowing a heavily traveled road in a high density area of businesses, housing and BART. Evidentially, the <br /> planning department does not use the very streets they design and approve, particularly when the rest of us are on <br /> them at peak hours. <br /> There has always been a sensitivity in Pleasanton to the pass-through traffic and how to abate the flow. But clogging a <br /> major artery, not to even mention getting emergency vehicles through when the road is backed up with traffic, shows a <br /> lack of understanding of citizens' needs. <br /> So please open Owens back up. The cost should be taken out of the salaries of anyone who approved narrowing it in the <br /> first place, because like the traffic circle debacle on Vineyard, Pleasanton citizens will be footing the bill for short- <br /> sighted thinking. <br /> As you brace yourselves for more high-density housing that will be forced on our town, PLEASE plan for the increased <br /> traffic flow. And while you are planning, please think even more towards the future when self-driving cars and improved <br /> public transportation options should be welcomed and accommodated. Our heritage downtown may be the heart of <br /> Pleasanton, but the rest of the city should keep pace with the present while planning for the future. <br /> Thank you for reading my email and taking my thoughts into consideration. <br /> Kind regards, <br /> illKaren Clark Pace <br /> 1 <br />