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5 <br />1.1 <br />7 <br />N <br />Impact on the California tiger salamander <br />Finding. Based on information made available subsequent to the <br />certification of the FEIR, the City finds that the California Tiger <br />Salamander does not utilize the Staples Ranch Property and <br />therefore the impacts to this species are less than significant. <br />Draft SEIR, pp. 17-18, 27 <br />Impact on the western pond turtle or its habitat <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible <br />and have been incorporated into the MMRP, thereby mitigating the <br />impact to a less -than -significant level: <br />Conduct preconstruction surveys for the western pond turtle, <br />per MM 13I0-4.1. <br />Provide exclusion fencing for the western pond turtle, per <br />MM 13I0-4.2. <br />Draft SEIR, pp. 18-19, 26, 65-66; Final SEIR, p. 4-4, DEIR, p. 3.3-20 <br />Impacts on nesting birds or their habitat <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measure is feasible and <br />has been incorporated into the MMRP, thereby mitigating the <br />impact to a less -than -significant level: <br />Preconstruction nesting bird surveys shall be conducted by a <br />qualified biologist. If active nests are found within the construction <br />footprint, delay construction activities within a specified distance <br />from the nest, as determined by the biologist, per MM 13I0-5.1. <br />Draft SEIR, p. 66, DEIR, p. 3.3-21 <br />Impacts on San Joaquin spears cale <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measure is feasible and <br />has been incorporated into the MMRP, thereby mitigating the <br />impact to a less -than -significant level: <br />Prior to issuance of the first grading permit for all or a portion of the <br />Staples Ranch site or the Stoneridge Drive bridges, the Alameda <br />County Surplus Authority (ACSPA) shall permanently preserve a <br />minimum of 1.77 acres of San Joaquin spearscale habitat in <br />Alameda County, per MM S -13I0-1. <br />21 <br />Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />