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This alternative differs from the preferred project in that it would not include the senior <br />continuing care community, it does not specify the development of an auto mall, does <br />not include the joint neighborhood park/storm water detention facility or ice center and <br />would allow Stoneridge Drive to be widened to six lanes if traffic demand warranted <br />such widening. <br />Finding. Infeasible <br />The environmental impacts of the Existing Specific Plan Alternative would have slightly <br />greater impacts than the preferred project. This alternative would result in substantially <br />more traffic than projected for the preferred project and cause additional significant <br />impacts not identified for the preferred project. In particular: <br />Air: This alternative would result in considerably more vehicular trips than the <br />preferred project (roughly 60% more), and exceed the BAAQMD <br />thresholds for criteria air pollutants. The resultant emissions would be a <br />significant and unavoidable air quality impact, with air emissions <br />substantially greater than predicted for the preferred project. <br />Hazards: Because the Existing Specific Plan Alternative would have the potential to <br />accommodate more retail, service commercial, and light industrial uses, <br />which typically involve greater amounts of hazardous materials and waste, <br />than the preferred project, there may be a slightly greater potential for an <br />accidental release of hazardous materials. Nevertheless, this greater <br />potential for accidental releases would be subject to mitigation following <br />the same procedures, protocols, and regulations that were identified for <br />the preferred project. <br />Noise: The Existing Specific Plan Alternative would greatly increase the number <br />of daily trips compared to the preferred project and would result in <br />significant noise level increases. <br />Traffic: Overall trip generation would increase substantially with the' Existing <br />Specific Plan Alternative, compared to the preferred project. This <br />alternative would adversely affect one additional intersection compared to <br />cumulative conditions with the preferred project; namely, the intersection <br />of Johnson Drive at Stoneridge Drive, although the impacts at this <br />intersection can be mitigated to a less -than -significant level. <br />On the other hand, because this alternative would not include a residential component, <br />impacts identified in the SEIR and EIR related to residents (e.g., exposure to sensitive <br />receptors to TACs, and exposure of persons to, or generation of, noise levels in excess <br />of standards) would not occur. <br />Moreover, as indicated in the SEIR and EIR, the Existing Specific Plan Alternative <br />would not avoid or substantially lessen the preferred project's significant and <br />unavoidable impacts to aesthetics and visual quality, air quality, noise and traffic. <br />Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />