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Resolution No. PC -2009-42 <br />Page Two <br />2. The plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and any <br />applicable specific plans. <br />The site's General Plan Land Use designation of Medium Density <br />Residential (two to eight dwelling units per gross acre) and High Density <br />Residential (greater than eight dwelling units per gross acre), Parks and <br />Recreation, and Retail/Highway/Service Commercial, Business and <br />Professional Offices allows for a mix of uses on the Staples Ranch site, <br />including a neighborhood park. <br />Development of the proposed project will further the implementation of the <br />Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan Amendment. The Stoneridge Drive <br />Specific Plan Amendment anticipates an approximately five -acre <br />neighborhood park with a storm water detention basin on the project site. <br />In the Specific Plan Amendment, the overall design standards for the <br />neighborhood park state that the park will incorporate a storm water flow <br />control basin into the neighborhood park design to provide adequate <br />storage for the entire Staples Ranch development to meet <br />hydromodification requirements. The basin will be designed so that it can <br />be used for passive, casual recreational uses during dry weather periods, <br />to the extent feasible. The park will provide other recreational facilities <br />outside of the basin area, such as tennis courts, bocce ball, dog park <br />facilities, or other uses as determined by the Pleasanton City Council. <br />The project adheres to the Specific Plan Amendment. The park will <br />provide for a stormwater flow -control basin which will have public access <br />and an accessible boardwalk in dry weather periods. Tennis courts will be <br />provided outside the basin. The site has been well designed. <br />Likewise, the project will adhere to the General Plan. Staples Ranch is <br />planned to have a public park in the Specific Plan Amendment, and this is <br />noted in the General Plan. Several conditions of approval have been <br />added to the project to address the new greenhouse gas best <br />management practices in the General Plan. <br />The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the City's General Plan and <br />Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan Amendment. Therefore, this finding can be <br />made. <br />