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of the Project Developer to ensure that the project contractor is aware of, and <br />abides by, all conditions of approval. <br />g. The building permit plans shall accurately show all existing public <br />improvements near the subject development (i.e., signals, street lights, street <br />signs, utility vaults and boxes, etc.) and shall clearly indicate any proposed <br />modifications to the existing public improvements. Proposed modifications to <br />the public improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the City <br />Engineer and Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />h. Building and situs plans are to be submitted to the Building and Safety <br />Division on a computer disk in a format approved by the Chief Building <br />Official. Digitized information shall be submitted before requesting a final <br />inspection and should reflect as built situs and architectural information as <br />approved by the Chief Building Official. <br />i. The Project Developer shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared by a <br />licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building <br />Official, certifying that the pad elevations and building locations (setbacks) are <br />pursuant to the approved plans, prior to receiving a foundation inspection for <br />the structures. <br />The height of the buildings shall be surveyed and verified as being in <br />conformance to the approved building height as shown on Exhibit B or as <br />otherwise conditioned. Said verification is the Project Developer's <br />responsibility, shall be performed by a licensed land surveyor or civil <br />engineer, and shall be completed and provided to the Building and Safety <br />Division before the first framing inspection by the Building and Safety <br />Division, unless otherwise required by the Building and Safety Division. <br />k. The Project Developer shall submit a final utility plan showing the proposed <br />sewer system, water supply, storm drainage, electric power distribution, gas <br />distribution, communication service, cable television, and any required alarm <br />system for the site. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of <br />the City Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />Final inspection by the Planning Division is required'prior to occupancy. <br />4. Landscaping and Irrigation. <br />a. A final landscape plan and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved <br />by Director of Parks and Community Services as part of the building permit <br />plan set prior to issuance of a building permit. Said landscape plan shall be <br />detailed in terms of species, location, size, quantities, and spacing. <br />b. Root control barriers and four inch perforated pipes shall be provided for trees <br />in planting areas less than ten feet in width. <br />E <br />