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<br />Resolution No. PC-98-80 <br />Page 12 <br />63. Electric power distribution, gas distribution, communication service, cable <br />television, and any required alarm systems shall be installed underground in a joint <br />utility trench unless otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer or <br />Director of Building Inspection for on-site. <br /> <br />On-Site Ooerations <br /> <br />64. The developer's contractor(s) shall obtain an encroachment permit from the City <br />Engineer prior to moving any construction equipment onto the site. <br /> <br />65. Any damage to existing street improvements during construction on the subject <br />property shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to <br />the developer. This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or street reconstruction if <br />deemed warranted by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />66. The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved by <br />the City Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit. <br /> <br />67. The applicant shall submit a construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) <br />program for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of <br />building and!or grading permits. These BMP's shall be implemented by the <br />general contractor and all subcontractors and suppliers of materials and equipment. <br />Construction site cleanup and control of construction debris shall also be <br />addressed. Failure to comply with the approved construction BMP may result in <br />the issuance of correction notices, citations, or a stop work order. <br /> <br />68. The applicant is responsible for implementing the following measures during all <br />construction phases of the project: <br /> <br />a. Gather all construction debris on a regular basis and place it in a dumpster <br />or other container which is emptied or removed an a weekly basis. When <br />appropriate, use tarps on the ground to collect fallen debris or splatters that could <br />contribute to storm water runoff pollution. <br />b. Remove all dirt, gravel, rubbish, refuse, and green waste from the street <br />pavement and storm drains adjoining the site. Limit construction access routes <br />onto the site and place gravel on them. Do not drive vehicles and equipment off <br />paved or graveled areas during wet weather. Broom sweep the street pavement <br />adjoining the project site on a daily basis. Scrape caked-on mud and dirt from <br />these areas before sweeping. <br />