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<br />Resolution No. PC-98-80 <br />Page II <br /> <br />57. The developer shall submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan or procedure <br />as part of the final grading and/or improvement plans. The applicant is responsible <br />for ensuring that the contractor is aware of and implements such measures. No <br />grading shall occur between October 15 and April 15 unless approved erosion <br />control/storm water quality measures are in place, subject to the approval of the <br />City Engineer/ Director of Building Inspection. Such measures shall be <br />maintained until such time as permanent landscaping is in place. All cut and fill <br />slopes shall be revegetated and stabilized as soon as possible after completion of <br />grading, but in no case later than October 15th. Hydroseeding shall be <br />accomplished before September 15 and irrigated with a temporary irrigation <br />system to ensure that the grasses are established before October 15. <br /> <br />58. The developer shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard and erosion control <br />prior to issuance of an Engineering or Building Department permit. The amount of <br />this bond will be determined by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />59. The developer shall submit a dust control plan or procedure as part of the <br />improvement plans. <br /> <br />60. Storm drainage swales, gutters, inlets, outfalls, and channels not within the area of <br />a dedicated public street or public service easement approved by the City Engineer <br />shall be privately maintained by the property owners or through an association <br />approved by the City. <br /> <br />61. Approval of the storm drainage system shall be subject to the review and approval <br />of the City Engineer and Zone 7, as applicable, that the system is adequate, <br />connects to an approved point of discharge, meets any and all applicable <br />requirements of the Alameda County Flood Control District - Zone 7, meets any <br />and all applicable requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Flood <br />Hazard Program, the California Departrnent ofFish and Game, and meets the <br />immediate and long-range requirements of this development and all upstream areas <br />intended to be drained through this development. <br /> <br />Utilities. Lighting. Landscaping <br /> <br />62. All utilities required to serve any existing or proposed development on-site shall be <br />installed underground, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer. <br />