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potential growth could significantly affect the environment in some other way. <br />Chapter 6, Section A of the Draft SEIR provides an analysis of growth -inducing <br />effects of the proposed Zone, as required by CEQA Guidelines § 15126.2(d). With the exception of <br />the potential development of a minor amount of senior housing, the proposed Zone would not <br />directly induce substantial population growth. As discussed in the SEIR, population growth that <br />could be induced as a consequence of new employees working with the area of the Zone moving to <br />the City would not be substantial; therefore, the proposed Zone is not likely to induce substantial <br />indirect population growth. In addition, the area of the proposed Zone is currently served by water, <br />sanitary sewer, stormwater, and other roadway and utility infrastructure, and any needed upgrades to <br />these systems would not be likely to be of a scale that would induce substantial population growth. <br />Improvements to local roadways and I-680 would be undertaken to accommodate the proposed <br />Zone, and would likewise not be likely to stimulate substantial further growth in the area. <br />Accordingly, the City Council finds that the proposed Zone effects related to <br />indirectly facilitating population growth would be minor, and that the Project's benefits <br />substantially outweigh the eight significant and unavoidable impacts as demonstrated below in the <br />Statement of Overriding Considerations. <br />II. STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br />Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21081 and CEQA Guidelines § 15093, the City <br />Council has balanced the economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the proposed <br />Zone against the Zone's eight significant and unavoidable impacts and has adopted all feasible <br />mitigation measures. The City Council has also examined three potentially feasible alternatives to <br />the proposed Zone, neither of which are feasible in that they would not accomplish the City's basic <br />objectives for the proposed Zone to a satisfactory extent (the substantial benefits articulated by the <br />City in its objectives would not be likely to be provided under the alternatives). The City has <br />adopted mitigation measures that reduce, to the extent feasible, the significant environmental <br />effects of the Project. <br />The City Council hereby adopts and makes the following Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations regarding the significant and unavoidable impacts of the proposed Zone and the <br />anticipated economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the Zone. <br />A. <br />Significant and Unavoidable Impacts <br />Based on information contained in the record and in the SEIR, the City Council has <br />determined that the proposed Zone would result in significant and unavoidable impacts to: (1) air <br />quality due to emissions of NOx and PM 10 that would results from operation of uses that would be <br />developed within the area of the proposed Zone, and that would exceed BAAQMD significance <br />thresholds; and (2) traffic and transportation due to the possibility of substantial increases in traffic <br />to local study intersections under Existing plus Project conditions, Near-term plus Project <br />conditions, and Far -term (Cumulative) plus Project conditions; and to freeway ramps at <br />merge/diverge areas under Existing plus Project conditions and Far -term (Cumulative) plus <br />Project conditions. <br />Table 2 presented under I.K.2, above, illustrates the impacts to Transportation and <br />60 <br />