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Traffic that would be significant and unavoidable; which physical locations (e.g., specific <br />intersections or freeway on -ramps) would be affected; to what extent mitigation measures would <br />reduce the level of impact; which impacts would remain significant and unavoidable after <br />mitigation; and which impacts would be significant and unavoidable due to substantial uncertainty <br />regarding Caltrans' discretionary review of the improvements contained in the measure. As <br />discussed previously, Mitigation Measure 4.D-ld is infeasible due to substantial uncertainty regarding <br />Caltrans' review and approval of the improvement described in the measure, and Mitigation Measures <br />4.D -la, 4.D -lb, 4.D -lc, and 4.D -1d are interdependent (i.e., all of these measures must be <br />implemented to reduce the impact to Stoneridge Drive [queue spillback] to less than significant). <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.B-18 to 4.B-21, 4.B-21 to 4.B-23, 4.B-24 to 4.B-25; 4.D-20 to 4.D-38, 4.D-38 <br />to 4.D-44, 4.D-44 to 4.D-50, 4.D-52 to 4.D-53, 4.D-55 to 4.D-56.) <br />B. Finding <br />The City Council has considered all potentially feasible mitigation measures to <br />substantially lessen or avoid the proposed Zone's significant and unavoidable impacts. Where <br />feasible, mitigation measures have been adopted as part of the proposed Zone. The imposition of <br />these measures will reduce the identified impacts, but not in all cases to a less -than -significant <br />level. The City Council finds that it is not feasible to fully mitigate these impacts. <br />The City Council has also considered all potentially feasible alternatives to the <br />proposed Zone. The City Council finds that there are no feasible alternatives that would reduce all <br />of the above significant and unavoidable impacts to a less -than -significant level. <br />The impacts of the proposed Zone discussed above therefore remain significant and <br />unavoidable. <br />C. Overriding Considerations <br />After review of the entire administrative record, including, but not limited to, the <br />Final SEIR, the staff report, and the oral and written testimony and evidence presented at public <br />hearings, the City Council finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological and other <br />anticipated benefits of the proposed Zone outweigh the significant and unavoidable impacts, and <br />therefore justify the approval of the proposed Zone notwithstanding the identified significant and <br />unavoidable impacts. (Pub. Res. Code, §21081; CEQA Guidelines §15093.) The benefits are <br />addressed in detail in Section II.D below. <br />The City Council specifically adopts and makes this Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations that the proposed Zone has eliminated or substantially lessened all significant <br />effects on the environment where feasible (including the incorporation of feasible mitigation <br />measures), and finds that the remaining significant unavoidable impacts of the Zone, which are <br />described above in Section II.A, are acceptable because the benefits of the proposed Zone set forth <br />below in Section II.D outweigh them. The City Council finds that each of the overriding <br />considerations expressed as benefits and set forth below in Section II.D constitutes a separate and <br />independent grounds for such a finding. Any one of the reasons for approval cited below is <br />sufficient to justify approval of the proposed Zone. Thus, even if a court were to conclude that not <br />every reason is supported by substantial evidence, the City Council will stand by its determination <br />61 <br />