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the City determines that additional improvements to Johnson Drive are required, <br />one or more of the following improvements shall be implemented: <br />1. If a club retail use is proposed for Parcel 6, signalize one or more entrances at <br />Parcel 6, and widen Johnson Drive at this location, to accommodate a <br />southbound left -turn pocket and a northbound right -tum pocket. <br />2. Widen Johnson Drive to provide up to two vehicle travel lanes in each <br />direction from Stoneridge Drive to the main entries of sites with traffic - <br />intensive uses (such as club retail). <br />3. Implement other improvements as needed at major driveways (signal control, <br />provision of left -turn or right -tum pockets) to provide additional capacity. <br />4. Final design of all improvements along Johnson Drive shall maintain or <br />enhance existing bicycles, transit, and pedestrian facilities, and shall ensure <br />bicycle and pedestrian facilities and access to the Alamo Canal Trail at the <br />signalized crossing at Commerce Circle and any other signalized locations on <br />Johnson Drive. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone (Phase I and Full Buildout). <br />Mitigation Measure 4.D-4: Retention of Bicycle Lanes on Stoneridge Drive. Final <br />design of all improvements along Stoneridge Drive shall maintain or enhance <br />existing bicycles and pedestrian facilities. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone along Stoneridge Drive (Phase I <br />and Full Buildout). <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.D-65 to 4.D-66.) <br />Impact 4.D-12 <br />Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would result in increased demand for <br />motor vehicle parking, or remove existing parking areas. <br />The SEIR evaluates potential physical impacts of the proposed Zone related to <br />demand for parking and existing parking areas. <br />Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br />Significance After Mitigation: Less than Significant <br />Finding: Changes have been incorporated into the proposed Zone that would avoid <br />the significant environmental effect as identified in the SEIR. Mitigation Measure <br />4.D-3 would reduce this impact to a less -than -significant level and is incorporated <br />into the proposed Zone. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measure indicate <br />that the impact would be reduced to less than significant. <br />25 <br />