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Highway I-680, the developer of this use shall prepare a health risk assessment <br />report to be reviewed and approved by the City. The health risk assessment shall <br />demonstrate that the increased cancer risks for the proposed sensitive use would be <br />below the BAAQMD permitting limit of 10 in one million (per its Policy and <br />Procedure Manual, the BAAQMD would deny an Authority to Construct or a <br />Permit to Operate for any new or modified source of TACs that exceeds a cancer <br />risk of 10 in one million or a chronic or acute hazard index of 1.0); or, should the <br />health risk assessment determine that lifetime cancer risk would exceed 10 in one <br />million, the developer shall install in the sensitive use an enhanced ventilation <br />filtration system such that the resultant lifetime increased cancer risk is less than 10 <br />in one million. No sensitive use shall be approved within the EDZ where the health <br />risk assessment determines that lifetime cancer risk from the freeway and from uses <br />in the EDZ would exceed 10 in one million. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites that include a sensitive use such as, but not limited to, a <br />senior housing facility, child-care or healthcare facility, within 300 to 1,000 feet of <br />a source of TACs. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.B-23 to 4.B-24.) <br />2. Noise <br />Impact 4.0-1 <br />Development within the proposed Zone would increase construction noise levels at <br />sensitive receptors located near construction sites. <br />The SEIR evaluates the impact of the proposed Zone related to a substantial <br />temporary increase in noise levels at sensitive receptors located near construction sites. <br />Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br />Significance After Mitigation: Less than Significant <br />Finding: Changes have been incorporated into the proposed Zone that would avoid <br />the significant environmental effect as identified in the SEIR. Mitigation Measures <br />4.0 -la and 4.0 -lb, which are incorporated into the proposed Zone, will reduce the <br />significant environmental impact to a less -than -significant level. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measures indicate <br />that the impact will be reduced to less than significant. <br />1. Construction activities would include demolition, site preparation, paving, and <br />building construction, in addition to construction for improvements such as <br />roadways, storm drainage, and utilities. Construction would involve the use of <br />heavy equipment (e.g., front loader, graders, haul trucks) in addition to small <br />power tools, generators, and hand tools that would be sources of noise. <br />2. Implementation of Mitigation Measures 4.0 -la and 4.0 -lb set forth in <br />Table 6-1 of the Final SEIR and listed in the MMRP apply to all potential <br />sites that would be developed within the proposed Zone and will ensure that <br />20 <br />