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PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 11, 2017 to review and <br />provide a recommendation to the Council on the JDEDZ. Four members of the public <br />spoke on the project, and all comments were supportive of the project. In addition, staff <br />received approximately 56 emails subsequent to the publishing of the agenda report for <br />the hearing (Attachment 9). Fifty three of the emails were supportive of the project while <br />three emails expressed concerns related to traffic, infrastructure costs, noise, air <br />pollution, and increased crime. The Commission focused its debate on the proposed <br />uses list and ensuring those uses would generate substantial tax revenue to the City <br />and promote the overarching economic development goals of the JDEDZ. Accordingly, <br />the Planning Commission made revisions to the proposed uses list which is attached as <br />Attachment 4, Exhibit A. In particular, the Planning Commission recommended: adding <br />personal service uses as a permitted use; making tutoring, massage, and theater uses <br />conditionally permitted uses (they were initially identified as permitted uses), and <br />eliminating nursing homes and laboratories as uses that would be allowed in the <br />JDEDZ. For further discussion on these topics, please see the draft Planning <br />Commission meeting minutes (Attachment 7). After listening to public testimony and <br />discussing the project, the Commission, on a 5-0 vote, voted to recommend certification <br />of the FSEIR and approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment and PUD <br />Rezoning, subject to recommended conditions of approval, to the City Council. Please <br />see Attachment 7 for more details related to public testimony and Planning Commission <br />discussion. Staff concurs with the Planning Commission recommended revisions made <br />to the proposed uses list as described and recommended in Attachment 4, Exhibit A. <br />PREVIOUS CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />The City Council held public hearings on August 29 and September 18, 2017, to <br />discuss, and ultimately support a tax -sharing agreement with Costco to finance the <br />necessary transportation network improvements for the JDEDZ. Additionally, the <br />Council unanimously supported flexible development phasing for the JDEDZ in which <br />Costco could build their facility but not open until all traffic improvements are in place <br />and the potential hotels would be permitted to build and open immediately without any <br />of the traffic mitigations in place. <br />PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENTS <br />Notice of these applications were sent to surrounding property owners and tenants <br />within a 1,000 -foot radius of the site, all property owners and tenants within the Val <br />Vista, Stoneridge, and North Muirwood neighborhoods, and to all interested parties that <br />have contacted staff directly at the various community meetings/public hearings and/or <br />by email/phone. Staff has provided the location and noticing maps as Attachment 11 for <br />reference. At the time this report was published, staff had not received any new public <br />comments regarding these applications. <br />Page 20 of 22 <br />