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Ficture 5: Table of Potential JDEDZ Fees By Parcel <br />JDEDZ Transportation Fee by Parcel <br />Projected Phase I Development (excluding Costco) <br />Building <br />Parcel Use Size [1] <br />Parcel Size [3] <br />Transpo <br />nation <br />Fee per <br />GSF <br />Total Fee <br />Darcel9/10 <br />Retail <br />5,000 <br />NA <br />$28.28 <br />$141,397 <br />Parcel 9 <br />Hotel <br />66,000 <br />105,851 <br />13.70 <br />904,200 <br />Parcel 10 <br />Hotel <br />66,000 <br />123,710 <br />13.70 <br />904,200 <br />Totals <br />137,000 <br />229,561 <br />NA <br />$1,949,797 <br />Projected Phase II Development <br />Transpo <br />nation <br />Building <br />Fee per <br />Parcel <br />Use <br />Size [2] <br />Parcel Size [3] <br />GSF <br />Total Fee <br />Parcel 1 <br />Retail <br />19,210 <br />64,033 <br />$28.28 <br />$543,246 <br />Parcel2 <br />Retail <br />12,153 <br />40,511 <br />28.28 <br />343,689 <br />Parcel 3 <br />Retail <br />12,023 <br />40,075 <br />28.28 <br />339,990 <br />Parcel 4 <br />Retail <br />12,284 <br />40,946 <br />28.28 <br />347,379 <br />Parcel 5 <br />Retail <br />12,284 <br />40,946 <br />28.28 <br />347,379 <br />Parcel 6b <br />Retail <br />12,153 <br />40,511 <br />28.28 <br />343,689 <br />Parcel 7 <br />Retail <br />25,483 <br />84,942 <br />28.28 <br />720,635 <br />Parcel8 <br />Retail <br />47,045 <br />156,816 <br />28.28 <br />1,330,402 <br />Parcel 11 <br />Retail <br />76,840 <br />256,133 <br />28.28 <br />2,172,992 <br />Totals <br />229,474 <br />764,913 <br />NA <br />$6,489,403 <br />Total All Phases <br />366,474 <br />994,474 <br />NA <br />$8,439,200 <br />There is approximately $1.5 million in right of way (ROW) costs included in the <br />$8.4 million JDEDZ Transportation Fee allocation. Most of that $1.5 million of ROW <br />costs is for land in parcels that would be charged the proposed fee. Staff is also <br />considering a credit against the JDEDZ Transportation Fee to property owners equal to <br />the value of contributed ROW. Staff will finalize the JDEDZ Transportation Fee proposal <br />for City Council consideration at an early 2018 City Council meeting. However, as part <br />of the recommended actions listed in this report, staff is recommending that the City <br />Council adopt a resolution indicating its intent to adopt this JDEDZ Transportation Fee. <br />ECONOMIC VITALITY COMMITTEE ACTION <br />The Economic Vitality Committee (EVC) met on October 5, 2017, to review and provide <br />a recommendation to the Council for the JDEDZ. Two members of the public spoke on <br />the project, and all comments were supportive of the project. The Committee focused its <br />debate on the proposed uses list and ensuring those uses met the intent of the <br />Economic Development Strategic Plan as outlined in the agenda report (Attachment 5, <br />Exhibit H). After listening to public testimony and discussing the project, the Committee <br />unanimously voted to recommend approval of the project to the City Council. Please <br />see Attachment 6 for more details related to public testimony and EVC discussion. <br />Page 19 of 22 <br />