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Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the project site from <br />Business Park (Industrial/Commercial and Office) and General and Limited Industrial <br />to Retail/Highway/Service Commercial; Business and Professional Offices; and <br />(2) approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning to rezone the project <br />site from Planned Unit Development -General and Light Industrial (PUD-G&LI) <br />District, Planned Unit Development-Industrial/Commercial-Office (PUD-I/C-O) <br />District, and General Industrial (I -G-40,000) District to PUD -C District. <br />Recusal: <br />Chair Balch recused himself and left the Chamber. <br />Eric Luchini presented the Agenda Report. <br />Vice Chair Nagler asked staff to report out on the questions posed by the Commission prior to <br />the meeting. <br />Mr. Luchini presented the Memo dated October 11, 2017. <br />Commissioner Allen asked with regard to the CalTrans work mitigation if the additional <br />on-ramp will be required prior to occupancy of Costco. <br />Mr. Luchini confirmed this is correct, per Council direction all traffic mitigation improvements <br />need to be in place prior to the opening of Costco. <br />Vice Chair Nagler asked staff to clarify that the traffic impact cannot be fully mitigated because <br />no one controls Caltrans. If the City can guarantee the improvements will be done, the impact <br />in fact be effectively mitigated. <br />Mr. Luchini confirmed. <br />Commissioner Brown said given Council direction to staff that hotels could open before traffic <br />mitigation is completed for Costco he asked what the 44 second queue length will be in the <br />short term. <br />City Traffic Engineer Mike Tassano said hotels generate one-tenth of the P.M. traffic as <br />Costco. He said, one of the more critical movements would be the left turn. When using the left <br />turn going towards Costco coming off of Stoneridge Drive, it is about 10 trips per cycle. This <br />would extend it out of the pocket and therefore the left turn lane is needed. Mr. Tassano <br />explained, the hotel adds 1-2 vehicles and the City can fit those in the existing left turn pocket. <br />For the right turn, it will add a couple more vehicles to the already very long queue of vehicles. <br />In the P.M. peak, almost everybody is in the right lane and drivers can bypass this traffic by <br />staying in the middle lane. <br />Commissioner Brown confirmed with Mr. Luchini that because the traffic impact fee details are <br />not yet worked out, it is not factored into the 20 1/2 year payback period. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 11, 2017 Page 3 of 13 <br />