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forward in Planning Commission and then City Council consideration during October through <br />December. <br />Director of Economic Development Pamela Ott shared how the EDZ concept is related to the <br />City's Economic Development Strategic Plan: <br />• B1. Collaborate with Planning and other city departments to update land use and zoning <br />policies to reflect current business needs. <br />• B2. Identify potential development and redevelopment sites to provide updated space, <br />contemporary worker housing, and amenities. <br />• C7. Identify potential opportunity sites in the City for hotel expansion or development. <br />Associate Planner Eric Luchini gave an overview of JDEDZ timeline and key events to date: <br />2013 — Clorox vacates campus along Johnson Drive <br />April 2014 — City initiates Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone <br />May 2014 to March 2016 — CEQA and Public Process <br />o DSEIR released & public comment period <br />o Neighborhood and community workshops <br />o City releases FSEIR for public comment <br />April 2016 — Joint City Council/Planning Commission Work Session <br />Limit the size of the buildings to 50000 square feet or less <br />July 2016 through November 2016 — Initiative Process <br />o City Council directs staff to stop work on the JDEDZ pending results of initiative <br />o Initiative defeated by voters <br />January 2017 to September 2017 <br />o City staff re-engages work on JDEDZ project activities <br />Mid -October through December 2017 — Public Review and Approval <br />Eric Luchini showed a map of the JDEDZ area to provide context for its location within the city, <br />and then reviewed the goals and objectives of the EDZ and well as anticipated phasing: <br />• Economic Vitality <br />o Transform the area into a thriving commercial corridor <br />o Create opportunities for new land uses and services <br />o Streamline the Development Review Process/CEQA Review <br />• Infrastructure Improvements <br />o Enhance the traffic and transportation network <br />• Financial Stability <br />o Generate new tax revenue to support City services and programs -sales taxes, <br />property taxes & hotel tax <br />• JDEDZ Phasing <br />o Phase I: Parcels 6, 9, and 10, with approximately 285,000 square feet of new <br />uses including Club retail, general retail, and hotel(s). This would trigger all the <br />needed transportation improvements. <br />Eric Luchini further offered a list of other potential uses within the JDEDZ (below), noting that <br />existing or approved uses established prior to the adoption of this Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) would be permitted: <br />