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all or any portion of the Project or the Property, and the purchaser at any trustee's sale or <br /> foreclosure sale shall not be liable for any violation of any provision hereof occumng pnor to the <br /> acquisition of title by such purchaser Unless this Agreement is subordinated in accordance with <br /> Section 7, such purchaser shall be bound by and subject to this Agreement from and after such <br /> trustee's sale or foreclosure sale. Promptly upon determining that a violation of this Agreement <br /> has occurred, City shall give wntten notice to the holders of record of any mortgages or deeds of <br /> trust encumbering the Project or the Property that such violation has occurred <br /> 9. Default and Remedies. <br /> 9 1 Events of Default The occurrence of any one or more of the following events <br /> shall constitute an event of default hereunder("Event of Default") <br /> (i) The occurrence of a Transfer in violation of Section 8 hereof; <br /> (ii) Owner's failure to maintain insurance on the Property and the Project as <br /> required hereunder, and the failure of Owner to cure such default within five (5) days, <br /> (iii) Subject to Owner's right to contest the following charges, Owner's failure <br /> to pay taxes or assessments due on the Property or the Project or failure to pay any other charge <br /> that may result in a hen on the Property or the Project, and Owner's failure to cure such default <br /> within twenty(20) days of delinquency, but in all events prior to the date upon which the holder <br /> of any such lien has the right to foreclose thereon, <br /> (iv) A default arises under any loan secured by a mortgage, deed of trust or <br /> other security instrument recorded against the Property and remains uncured beyond any <br /> applicable cure period such that the holder of such security instrument has the right to accelerate <br /> repayment of such loan, <br /> (v) A default anses under the Loan Agreement, the Note, the Deed of Trust, , <br /> or the Ground Lease and remains uncured beyond the expiration of any applicable cure period, <br /> (vi) Owner's default in the performance of any term, provision or covenant <br /> under this Agreement (other than an obligation enumerated in this Section 9.1), and unless such <br /> provision specifies a shorter cure penod for such default, the continuation of such default for ten <br /> (10) days in the event of a monetary default or thirty(30) days in the event of a non-monetary <br /> default following the date upon which City shall have given wntten notice of the default to <br /> Owner, or if the nature of any such non-monetary default is such that it cannot be cured within <br /> thirty(30) days, Owner's failure to commence to cure the default within thirty(30) days and <br /> thereafter prosecute the curing of such default with due diligence and in good faith to <br /> completion. <br /> The limited partners of Owner shall have the right to cure any default of Owner <br /> hereunder upon the same terms and conditions afforded to Owner; provided however, if the <br /> default is of such nature that the limited partners reasonably determine that it is necessary to <br /> replace the general partner of Developer in order to cure such default, then the cure period shall <br /> be extended by an additional sixty(60) days after the removal and replacement of such general <br /> partner, provided that the limited partners have promptly commenced and diligently proceeded <br /> 18 <br /> OAK #4832-3506-8205 v4 <br />