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(iv) The Transfer shall be effectuated pursuant to a written instrument <br /> satisfactory to the City in form recordable in the Official Records <br /> Consent to any proposed Transfer may be given by the City's Authonzed Representative <br /> unless the City's Authorized Representative, in his or her discretion, refers the matter of approval <br /> to the City Council If the City has not rejected a proposed Transfer or requested additional <br /> information regarding a proposed Transfer in writing within forty-five (45) days following City's <br /> receipt of written request by Owner, the proposed Transfer shall be deemed approved <br /> 8 4 Effect of Transfer without City Consent. In the absence of specific written <br /> agreement by the City, no Transfer of the Property or the Project shall be deemed to relieve the <br /> Owner or any other party from any obligation under this Agreement It shall be an Event of <br /> Default hereunder entitling City to pursue remedies including without limitation, acceleration of <br /> the Loan and/or foreclosure under the Deed of Trust and/or the City HOME Deed of Trust if <br /> without the prior written approval of the City, Owner assigns or Transfers this Agreement, the <br /> Improvements, or the Property in violation of Section 8 This Section 8 4 shall not apply to <br /> Transfers described in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (vii) of Section 8.2, and solely with respect <br /> to (a) the removal of the general partner by the investor limited partner for a default under the <br /> Partnership Agreement, and(b) the replacement of the general partner with an affiliate of the <br /> investor limited partner for an interim penod of not more than 180 days, clause (vin) of Section <br /> 82 <br /> 8.5 Recovery of City Costs. Owner shall reimburse City for all City costs, including <br /> but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in reviewing instruments and other legal <br /> documents proposed to effect a Transfer under this Agreement and in reviewing the <br /> qualifications and financial resources of a proposed successor, assignee, or transferee within ten <br /> (10) days following City's delivery to Owner of an invoice detailing such costs. <br /> 8.6 Encumbrances Owner agrees to cooperate with City in good faith to ensure that <br /> all deeds of trust or other security instruments and any applicable subordination agreement <br /> recorded against the Property, the Project or part thereof for the benefit of a lender other than <br /> City("Third-Party Lender") shall contain each of the following provisions- (i) Third-Party <br /> Lender shall use its best efforts to provide to City a copy of any notice of default issued to <br /> Owner concurrently with provision of such notice to Owner; (ii) City shall have the reasonable <br /> right, but not the obligation, to cure any default by Owner within the same penod of time <br /> provided to Owner for such cure extended by an additional ninety (90) days; (ni)provided that <br /> City has cured any default under Third-Party Lender's deed of trust and other loan documents, <br /> City shall have the right to foreclose the Deed of Trust, and take title to the Project without <br /> acceleration of Third-Party Lender's debt, and (iv) City shall have the nght to transfer the <br /> Project without acceleration of Third-Party Lender's debt to a nonprofit corporation or other <br /> entity which shall own and operate the Project as an affordable rental housing Project, subject to <br /> the prior wntten consent of the Third-Party Lender. Owner agrees to provide to City a copy of <br /> any notice of default Owner receives from any Third-Party Lender within three (3) business days <br /> following Owner's receipt thereof <br /> 8.7 Mortgagee Protection. No violation of any provision contained herein shall defeat <br /> or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value upon <br /> 17 <br /> OAK #4832-3506-8205 v4 <br />