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fees and expenses of the arbitrator and of a court reporter shall be shared equally by the <br /> employee and the City. Each party, however, shall bear the cost of its own presentation, <br /> including preparation and post hearing briefs, if any. <br /> (5) Decisions of the arbitrators on matters properly before them shall be final and binding on <br /> the parties hereto, to the extent permitted by law or the terms of this Agreement. <br /> 23.3 The time limits previously set forth shall be considered maximums and every effort shall be <br /> made to expedite the process. The limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual <br /> agreement of the parties. <br /> 23.4 No arbitrator shall entertain, hear, decide or make recommendations on any dispute unless such <br /> dispute involves a position in a unit represented by the Association and unless such dispute <br /> falls within the definition of a grievance as set forth in subsection 23.1. <br /> 23.5 Proposals to add to or change this Memorandum of Understanding or written agreements or <br /> addenda supplementary hereto shall not be arbitrable and no proposal to modify, amend or <br /> terminate this Memorandum of Understanding, nor any matter or subject arising out of or in <br /> connection with such proposal, may be referred to arbitration under this Section. No arbitrator <br /> shall have the power to amend or modify this Memorandum of Understanding or written <br /> agreement or addenda supplementary hereto or to establish any new terms or conditions of <br /> employment. <br /> 23.6 No grievance involving demotion, reduction in pay, suspension, dismissal of an employee will <br /> be entertained unless it is filed in writing with the City Manager within seven (7) working days <br /> of the time at which the affected employee was notified of such action. <br /> 23.7 If the City Manager in pursuance of the procedures outlined in subsection 23.2(3) above, <br /> resolves the grievance which involves suspension or discharge, he/she may agree to payment <br /> for lost time or to reinstate with or without payment for lost time. <br /> 23.8 Complaints which allege that employees are not being compensated in accordance with the <br /> provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be considered as grievances. No <br /> adjustment shall be retroactive for more than thirty (30) days from the date upon which the <br /> complaint was filed. Any other matters of compensation are to be resolved in the meeting and <br /> conferring process and if not detailed in the Memorandum of Understanding which results from <br /> such meeting and conferring process shall be deemed withdrawn until the meeting and <br /> conferring process is next opened for such discussion. <br /> 23.9 No changes in this Memorandum of Understanding or interpretations thereof(except <br /> interpretations resulting from arbitration proceeding hereunder) will be recognized unless <br /> agreed to by the City Manager and the Association. <br /> 23.10 The Association, its members and representatives, agree that it and they will not engage in, <br /> authorize, sanction, or support any strike against the City of Pleasanton. The Association, its <br /> members and representatives, further agree that it and they will not engage in, authorize, <br /> sanction, or support any strike, slowdown, stoppage of work, curtailment of production, <br /> concerted refusal of overtime work, refusal to operate designated equipment(provided such <br /> equipment is safe and sound) to perform customary duties; and neither the Association nor any <br /> representative, therefore, shall engage in job action for the purpose of effecting changes in the <br /> 27 <br />