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May I ask exactly what was approved? Plans that are apparently now different, or going to be <br /> different than those submitted and those discussed last night? How can this possibly be? <br /> Whether taken individually or collectively, the fact that none of these concerns along with the <br /> fact that none of the applicable Ordinance conflicts were considered, refuted or addressed <br /> and the fact that the plans are wrong and stale and incomplete, leads me to believe that this <br /> decision was hasty, reckless and wrong. <br /> My intent is not to be harsh. My intent is to underscore the importance and the requirement <br /> to follow the proper, lawful process. <br /> There are standards, guidelines and Ordinances in place for a purpose. There is a public <br /> notification and public hearing process for a purpose. <br /> In this case that purpose was short-circuited and our rightful course dearly denied. <br /> I understand there is an appeals process in place, however I find it extremely unfair that the <br /> burden of the required fee for appeal is placed on others and myself for something that we <br /> had nothing to do with. I also feel that the Planning Commission is not the proper forum to <br /> discuss these concerns, as it does not adequately allow for a frank and informal exchange. <br /> In dosing I would very much appreciate the opportunity to meet with you face-to-face. <br /> Perhaps some of my concerns and would be put to rest and I could better understand the <br /> basis for the decision. <br /> I very much look forward to your response and a meeting in the very near future. <br /> Respectfully and with best regards, <br /> Ed Broome <br /> Hawaii Ct. <br />