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4. The Applicants Contractor was the primary spokesperson for the project. I understand <br /> that this is not unusual. However what I did find highly unusual was the fact that the <br /> contractor was answering personal questions. <br /> a. For example; "what is the relationship, age and relationship of the occupants". <br /> The Contractor replied there were"9"although the Applicant was counting to <br /> "11". The contractor gave the ages and relationship. Seemingly the Contractor <br /> was in a sense'coaching'the Applicant (please also see 4c below). <br /> b. That resulted in one of the neighbors asking Staff, who the other couple was <br /> that was living there that seemed not to be a relative. After the Applicant was <br /> asked by Staff, she suddenly'remembered' that there were renters at the <br /> property as well, 'but they were moving out within a couple of months'. <br /> c. At one point, the Applicant was asked how many cars they owned. As the <br /> Applicant was answering, the Contractor held up four fingers to his cheek (as if <br /> he were in thought). Clearly this was a signal to the Applicant, who, as soon as <br /> she saw his signal immediately changed her answer to "four". Although she had <br /> already counted out "five" on her fingers - and was in the midst of counting even <br /> more, but stopped. <br /> I mention these as examples to point out that the Applicant clearly struggles with <br /> truthful responses, which should have been a factor in the decision. <br /> 5. In his decision, Adam commented that if they considered the fact that sometimes <br /> neighbors don't like each other, then half of all applications would be rejected. <br /> I found this totally inappropriate, unnecessary and offensive. Never did any of the <br /> neighbors or speakers even elude any dislike of the Applicants. In fact each of them <br /> went out of their way to de-personalize their concerns. <br /> 6. Lastly, and as a side note, I would like to mention that the venue for the meeting was <br /> extremely intimidating to all but the Applicant and Staff. <br /> a. The lack of separation stifled what normally would have been a more vigorous <br /> discussion, and more objections to the project would have been raised. Because <br /> of the tight quarters and the criminal history assodated with the property, the <br /> neighbors were clearly hesitant to speak and very timid. If the meeting had been <br /> held in the Chamber as scheduled, this would have been less of a factor. <br />