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high level people and I've learned a ton from you guys. I've enjoyed being the Chair. It's <br />been a lot of fun. <br />I want to challenge the next year's Chair. I always try to keep the meeting moving <br />forward and push everybody to state their opinions and bullets so we can get it on the <br />record and it helps eliminate the interpretation of multiple words into what you really <br />want. I challenge the Chair to speak last, say the least, but speak efficiently with <br />comments, and I always I wanted to make sure the public was heard. We give them <br />three minutes. There have been a number of times members of the public have come to <br />me asking why we don't you give Commissioners three minutes, I say we need to hear <br />what everybody's interests are and we need to respect the public at the same time <br />when they are here listening to us. <br />But, I'm very happy that I've had all of your support and I appreciate all of you guys. <br />Meeting adjourned! <br />Chair Ritter adjourned the meeting at 10:11 p.m <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Kendall Granucci <br />Recording Secretary <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 49 of 49 <br />