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City of Pleasanton
PC 121416
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are, if the business is open to the public broadly and does not sell to any "specialized <br />occupation, profession or business ". In other words, if the retail operation is open to the <br />public generally and does not specialize in selling to architects or engineers or <br />haberdasheries or whatever, or if the answer to that is "no" that there is no <br />differentiation, then it suggests there could be an exemption to the coverage. <br />The second is, is income from any particular customer of this retailer distinguishable <br />from their income in general. So in other words, do you have a customer who <br />contributes $25, $30, $56, or whatever the amount is of your income that changes in the <br />DSP would impact their ability to remain your primary income source and therefore you <br />may be motivated to make recommendations on the task force that affects their specific <br />ability to buy your jewelry, right? So again, if that's not possible for your actions on the <br />task force, the potential is that it leads to an exemption. <br />So, having said all of that, here is specifically what I ask as I said a moment ago is that <br />we further the excellent work that Larissa has done with the FPPC; that we understand <br />that because the FPPC staff has communicated in writing with the City Attorney's office, <br />the only way I would think you would feel comfortable operating under an exemption is <br />for them to further put in writing, yes, under these circumstances you are exempt, or in <br />other words, we need to work with them, and that we pursue that and that we put off <br />action from this evening. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I think we have to ask Nancy if she wants to pursue that. <br />Commissioner Allen: I do. I really wanted to be on the task force and if it was clear cut <br />that I was out of compliance then I said so be it because it is important to be in <br />compliance, but actually if there's a legitimate reason for exclusion and we get support <br />from the FPPC, I would love to be on the task force because then I am in support of the <br />state law and regulations. So I guess I would look to Larissa. I appreciate, David, you <br />taking the time to do this. It's amazing and thank you. It means a lot to me. How do you <br />feel about this? I didn't have any idea on this. I mean, how do you feel about this? <br />Seto: To date, as we've discussed, since about August we've been in communications; <br />the City Attorney's Office and myself in particular have been in communications with <br />staff counsel at the FPPC with regard to several different public officials and more <br />recently with Nancy, and Nancy has seen my communication with staff counsel there. <br />So typically the process is we pose questions to them and ask them how various <br />regulations apply. The most recent response we received back was, as described in the <br />staff report, that they found that because Studio 7 is a source of income to Nancy's <br />business of which she's a sole proprietor; that that source of income and the regulations <br />regarding sources of income involved in specific plan decisions made her ineligible to <br />serve. So if you wanted us to write back to them asking about other exemptions, we can <br />do that, but at the same time I understand that some of these other exemptions the <br />thresholds are actually very difficult to meet but I could continue to work with you to do <br />that. <br />Commissioner Allen: I would love that. I think David brings up some potentials that <br />seem to me that I would love to have a discussion to make sure they're fully vetted. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 46 of 49 <br />
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