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City of Pleasanton
PC 121416
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Chair Ritter: Should we have a list of all of our appointments at the January meeting? <br />Gerry, are we okay to make this in the first meeting in January; selection of <br />Commissioners and Alternates for committees? <br />Beaudin: Will do. <br />i. Selection of one replacement Planning Commission representative for <br />the Downtown Specific Plan Update Task Force <br />Chair Ritter: Do you want to give us the update for that Gerry? <br />Beaudin: I'll jump in and I'm going to have support from both folks who have been <br />working on this a lot as we go here. So our DSP Update Task Force membership from <br />the Planning Commission was selected and I think we did that in September. At that <br />point, we appointed two members — Commissioner Allen and Chair Ritter, and we had <br />Commissioner Brown as our alternate. The City Council ratified that list. We made some <br />changes to our definition of public official and we also had some questions for FPPC. <br />After the analysis that went into both of those efforts, we're now down to just a couple of <br />people who are actually going to qualify here or who have a desire to be on the Task <br />Force. <br />What we're here tonight to ask you to do is to reconsider the list. We had Commissioner <br />Allen who had a conflict. We had some other conflict issues and they're in the staff <br />report if you want to read about those as well, but Commissioner Allen had a conflict so <br />we'd like to replace Commissioner Allen and then we'll bring this back to the City <br />Council and have them re- ratify the task force membership list. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: So Gerry, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only three <br />people up here who don't have a conflict? <br />Beaudin: Commissioner O'Connor has some property proximate to downtown and for <br />perception reasons has stepped back. Commissioner Nagler at a prior meeting <br />discussed not wanting to be part of the task force also, and so Chair Ritter and <br />Commissioner Brown are the two folks who are left. I'm going to make a staff <br />recommendation because it's all that's left; that the two of you be the Downtown <br />Specific Plan Update Task Force members and I'll turn it over to the Commission for <br />discussion with that recommendation. <br />Chair Ritter: We have no alternate basically. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: David, would you be available as an alternate? <br />Commissioner Nagler: Before we go there, this is actually a more complex issue than <br />has been addressed, and if I could just take a moment. I appreciate it's been a long <br />evening and what we don't want is another long- winded conversation, but I'm afraid the <br />topic is important, or at least, it surely is to me. <br />Let me start by saying what I'm about to say has not been discussed with <br />Commissioner Allen. She has no idea that I'm about to say what I'm about to say. I think <br />it's important for that to be in the public record. I think it's also important to say I have <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 43 of 49 <br />
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