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Commissioner O'Connor: It's not good for local control basically. <br />Beaudin: There's a physical merge that's happening and then there's going to be this <br />broader discussion about governance and representation that's happening at the <br />regional level for the Bay Area. It's nine counties and it's not likely that local <br />governments are going to be ignored, so MTC is going to have to shift their model as <br />well. <br />Commissioner Brown: What's the timeframe for that being absorbed? Are we talking a <br />year? Two years? <br />Beaudin: You know, I backed away from it over the last few months; I don't have the <br />timeline on it for you, but it's happening. <br />Commissioner Brown: All right, thank you. <br />g. Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair for 2017 <br />Chair Ritter: I reached out, but I'd be willing to ... should I make a recommendation that <br />Commissioner Balch should be Chair? The next one would be Commissioner Nagler as <br />Vice Chair. That's the right order of things. <br />Chair Ritter moved to appoint Commissioner Balch and Chair and Commissioner <br />Nagler as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: <br />Commissioners Allen, Balch, Nagler, O'Connor, and Ritter <br />NOES: <br />None <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None <br />RECUSED: <br />None <br />ABSENT: <br />None <br />h. Selection of one Planning Commission representative to replace <br />Commissioner Nagler for the Heritage Tree Board of Appeals <br />Commissioner Balch: I nominate Commissioner Allen. Can I also just mention as we do <br />this, I don't know how the Planning Commission has done it, but at least from the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, we would look at all of them every year. We'd have the list <br />of where everyone served and how long. The reason they did that is because then they <br />could agendize the whole thing and move others around. <br />Commissioner Allen: That's a good idea. <br />Commissioner Balch: I would just get off of the Bike /Ped Committee, but the Bike /Ped's <br />not agendized. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Yeah, let's leave it to Chair Balch. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 42 of 49 <br />