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Commissioner Balch: Between permitted and new? <br />Commissioner Allen: Yes. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Maintain the downtown character.... and up to 7,500 square feet. <br />Commissioner Balch: And anything more, you've got to be looking at it more <br />specifically. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Exactly. <br />Chair Ritter: Does that help Gerry? Shweta? <br />Beaudin: Yes, it does and that will be the threshold — anything 7,500 square feet and <br />larger will require a CUP. <br />Commissioner Balch: And then as you probably will prepare for Council and ask them <br />to weigh in on that number .... Is everyone comfortable with the 60,000 for the rest? Or <br />not? <br />Commissioner Nagler: What are you suggesting? <br />Commissioner Balch: I'm just looking at Table 1 on page 5. I'm saying the two <br />Safeway complexes at approximately 50,000 square feet each generate a lot of traffic, <br />right? But at the same time, those are done so those are permitted now by nature of <br />their PUDs, right? It's a slightly moot point, but... <br />Commissioner O'Connor: Raley's is 60,000. If you eliminate that, if we wanted another <br />large grocery store someplace else in town, they won't come if the threshold is too <br />small. <br />Commissioner Balch: And again, it's only between permitted and conditional. <br />Commissioner Brown: I would agree with Commissioner Balch. I would think 55,000 <br />square feet is probably better based on the table that I see. <br />Commissioner Nagler: I would support 55,000. <br />Commissioner Allen: I would support 55,000 too. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay. <br />Commissioner Allen: So I'm on page 19, the very beginning which defines the special <br />purpose in C -C (Central Commercial) District. I'm not doing this just to wordsmith <br />because otherwise we'd waste our time, but we look at these documents to determine <br />our priority. So, I'm not getting what the purpose of the C -C District is from here and it <br />doesn't seem to be quite in sync with the DSP. In other words, when I think of the C -C <br />district, I think of a business district. It's not solely business but it's a predominantly, as <br />the DSP says: "Retail use is considered highly desirable because it promotes <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 22 of 49 <br />