Laserfiche WebLink
Hagen: Correct. Other links that we're going to have on our Pleasantonpermits portal is <br />our business license renewal. Right now you can renew applications. You can't open <br />new ones on -line. We are working on that. As soon as that becomes available, we'll be <br />able to do that on here as well as you can search current businesses within the City. <br />Commissioner Balch: And does that search the building license database? <br />Hagen: Yes, the business search desk. So ultimately, we have really strived to have <br />Pleasanton permits. com be our new, all around, better permitting experience. You know, <br />you can do all of these things. We want it to be basically a business - friendly zoning <br />check on -stop shop for all new businesses and existing businesses. Like we have <br />shown earlier, all of the graphics, all of this is very fluid still at the moment. This is <br />different from what you've seen in some previous presentations. It's going to continue to <br />change. We're going to continue to add to it, so as we get more applications like the <br />residential room additions and things like that, we're going to continue to add to this <br />website, but this is ultimately something that we are very excited about and we're trying <br />to get it out to the community, out to the business owners, we have a brokers group I <br />believe next month we're going to be getting it out to, and other committees we've been <br />to —the Economic Vitality Committee. We've been to the City Council. We've been to <br />the PDA and so -forth and we're going to continue with that as well as the Chamber of <br />Commerce in the future in some of their forums. So ultimately, it's just something we're <br />super excited about and wanted to share with all of you tonight. <br />Chair Ritter: Does it show the applicant where in the process it is in the plan check or <br />any of that or is this just to get a permit? <br />Hagen: This is just to get started. So the actual OpenCounter process, it is something <br />you can go in and start. Once you get so far into the program, it's going to ask you to <br />create a login. At that point, that's pretty much like you're in the nifty gritty details. But <br />you can start and stop your application online as many times as you want and then <br />once you submit to the City, that's basically going to be a start of your communication <br />with the City. Once you submit and you answer all the questions and it's submitted <br />directly to us, you're going to hear back directly from the planning division and the <br />building division. <br />Chair Ritter: Doesn't the City have a site that shows who's on next base? What's that <br />site called? <br />Hagen: Right, so that would be the first one. That's our Accela Citizen Access. Once <br />you actually have a building permit submitted and it's accepted into Accela, it's given a <br />building permit number. Then you can search it on Accela Citizen Access. It has all of <br />the work flow in here where you can go in and check which divisions or departments <br />have reviewed it, which have provided comments, which have approved it, and which <br />are still outstanding. <br />Chair Ritter: We're doing that right now? <br />Hagen: Yes. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 14, 2016 Page 19 of 22 <br />