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City of Pleasanton
PC 091416
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Commissioner Balch: I think that's the most valuable part because one of the things that <br />I've incurred is that you'll come in for a design review not realizing that you might need a <br />building permit, right, and then that comes in after when you thought you understood the <br />process up front and, you know, it changed. I know applicants don't appreciate that so <br />knowing they have to go through all of the "x" departments or whatever, I think that's <br />going to be just as helpful. So this is going to help ferret that out. <br />Hagen: This is very comprehensive. It is a lot of work upfront. It asks a lot of questions <br />about every single thing you're doing and you might think it's a lot, but really it is really <br />to kind of answer all of those questions because at the counter, we answer what you <br />ask and then we provide you with information we think you need to know, but there's so <br />many different things. In planning we can only tell you about planning. Building can only <br />tell you about building, so this is one of those things that brings it all together. <br />This is one that it does not have that obviously if you've opened a business, sewer <br />connection fees is something and school impact fees are two of the items the City <br />cannot tell you over the counter. There's no real fee schedule for it. So it gives you <br />information to contact the school district and then contact the City directly for sewer <br />fees. So those are the two fees within here that we can't give you, but it does give you <br />information up front to let you know that this could be important; that you need to <br />contact both of these people up front. <br />Commissioner Balch: So the sewer fees, is that just sanitary? What about the water <br />connection and all of that? <br />Hagen: The water connections are the straight fees so that is in here. <br />Commissioner Balch: With recycled water connection as well? <br />Hagen: Yes. <br />Commissioner Balch: Oh nice. <br />Commissioner Allen: And does this trigger any input into a draft business license or <br />some of the applications somebody needs as well? <br />Hagen: Yes. Right now it does have the ability. Once you fill all of this out and you <br />submit it to the City, right now in OpenBusiness, you have to fill out a zoning certificate <br />form. This will automatically populate a zoning certificate and send it to us so you don't <br />have to do it by hand. The same thing —this communicates directly with our Accela <br />program. Accela is our permitting program, so when you come in typically you fill out a <br />hand application. Then we have to take your hand application and re -input it into the <br />computer. Now, you input it in here. We can transfer that directly to Accela so you no <br />longer have to fill out the hand application. As long as everything is online, it goes <br />directly into here and we can transfer that to a PDF of the application. So it does save <br />time. <br />Commissioner Allen: Great, so time saved for the client and for you guys <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 14, 2016 Page 18 of 22 <br />
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