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the size of the Nature House is. And the programming from the Nature House has been <br />extraordinary that the City sponsors and I think this could be too. It's small enough that <br />you're not going to have major traffic —in my view and it could be different from the <br />public here —but you're not going to have 100 cars going down your road to get to this <br />facility. You're going to have 10; 10 to have your children join a "Mommy and Me" which <br />is what my son and I were in. I didn't fit the title criteria but I still went. It provides a need <br />for this community. <br />Commissioner Nagler: I appreciate that. Let me wrap this up by asking staff to continue <br />to explore ways in which this community benefit would be managed over time, and it's <br />an unresolved issue, but that we're unanimous in supporting its construction if we can <br />address the way it's managed. <br />Commissioner Balch: I don't know if we're unanimous but a majority. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, great. Let's do Number 3 here: <br />Are the overall site plan and street/ped /design layouts acceptable? <br />Commissioner Brown: I've got a quick question for staff if you've got a second. Have <br />you discussed the possibility of a parking lot with the applicant as it relates to Number 2 <br />at this point? Do they have a position on that? <br />Weinstein: Yes, it came up in our earlier exploration of adjusting the site plan and <br />looking at different site plan alternatives. I think the concept that we ended up pursuing <br />in conjunction with the applicant was that this would really be a neighborhood - serving <br />clubhouse, and that's not to say that couldn't change in the future, but the concept we <br />were exploring with the applicant team was that, yeah, the folks who would be using this <br />clubhouse and using its restroom would primarily be living in the neighborhood. There <br />wouldn't be a huge need to drive to the clubhouse; that people could walk to it from the <br />surrounding neighborhood. It is a very elongated neighborhood - Valley Trails is, but it's <br />not that big where people can't walk from one end to the other. So the expectation <br />would be that there would not need to be a lot of parking. Again, that's not to say we <br />couldn't explore more parking with the applicant team or look at other clubhouse <br />configurations, but that was the concept initially. <br />Commissioner Brown: Now it's a little counter to the argument.... <br />Commissioner Balch: Yeah, you don't get both wins. <br />Chair Ritter: That goes to overall site planning. <br />Commissioner Brown: Overall site planning, that'd be a quick answer —yes. It's a much <br />better design. I applaud Ponderosa for revising the plan to design what is in fact much, <br />much better. <br />Commissioner Allen: Overall I thought it was good. I do agree that widening the bike <br />and pedestrian path I think you said to about 8 feet —that made sense to me. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 25 of 58 <br />