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PC 081016
City of Pleasanton
PC 081016
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8/11/2017 2:47:05 PM
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8/11/2017 2:36:57 PM
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Mr. Tassano said there is benefit in the response time to the fire station, improvement to <br />Vineyard Avenue and reduction in traffic going through the Vineyard /First/Ray <br />intersection. <br />Commissioner Nagler asked about its effect on apartments being built and the <br />possibility that some of those residents will use Nevada Street to get to 1 -680. <br />Mr. Tassano said the model would have to show vehicles leaving Nevada Street, going <br />all the way to First Street at which point they would make a left turn onto First Street and <br />sit in stopped traffic. For Bernal, you have to go up and over the hill on the other side <br />and sit and wait at Sunol. What the model does is show which route takes less time, <br />and this is the Bernal route. The impacts to that Auf der Maur property using Nevada <br />Street is a little less unless people are specifically going toward Amador. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what it would take to complete Nevada Street. <br />Mr. Tassano said when they were updating the General Plan he questioned whether or <br />not it should be done in the next 10 years. Because it provides some benefit but is not a <br />key corridor which must be done right away, it was not included as a high priority item. <br />A greater need is the water and sewer infrastructure necessary through there. <br />Commissioner Brown commented that cars parked on Nevada Street today and he <br />asked if there is currently an existing easement. <br />Ms. Hagen said there are currently easements on both properties which are already in <br />place. The City Attorney and Engineering Department staff are in contact with both <br />property owners to finalize actions needed to fulfill those easements, but these are <br />deferred completion agreements which the City had back from the 1980's. The City is <br />confident it has rights to those, but has to work out the details to obtain the properties. <br />The applicant/developer will actually construct all improvements per City code <br />standards and be reimbursed by the City as one construction project. <br />Commissioner Allen stated some of the other letters asked the City to wait until there is <br />relief from Highway 84 before doing any type of rezoning and more housing. She asked <br />staff to provide an update on the status of Highway 84. <br />Mr. Tassano said SR84 is envisioned to be a four -lane highway from 1 -580 to 1 -680. This <br />plan has been in place since the mid 1980's. Design and construction work began in <br />2000 and they are in construction on the 4th segment, leaving the 5th segment from <br />Pigeon Pass to 1 -680 as the final section. This is currently in environmental review and <br />anticipated to be completed in 2017. After this process is the design process which will <br />take another year or two and this will involve right -of -way acquisitions. In 2019 the City <br />will advertise and anticipate starting construction sometime in 2020. <br />Commissioner Allen asked if 100 percent of the funding is lined up now. <br />Mr. Tassano said the anticipated cost for the 5th segment of State Route 84 is <br />$200 million which they are moving forward with. Local transportation fees have been <br />used to help the design process along. Additionally, they have $122 million set aside in <br />Measure BB and $10 million for TBTC which leaves about $60 to $65 million unfunded <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 10, 2016 Page 7 of 33 <br />
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