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City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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end, it may not be possible. But if we were to proceed and sort of ordain in what the <br />new use permit ought to look like, assuming we would adopt a different use permit, I <br />believe then we would be setting —I'm not sure what it would be— either the minimum or <br />the maximum for the results of the conversation between the new owner and the <br />neighbors. And I just don't know that that's fair to their conversation or productive, nor <br />get them to adopt them or not. <br />Put it differently, I believe what we would be doing is imposing the unfortunate dynamic <br />of a many year conversation to two new parties because we're trying to respond to <br />some arbitrated settlement between various ideas and options and discussions that <br />have been going on for years as opposed to a straight up new conversation and I don't <br />know that the new owner ought to be either aided or sidled by, depending upon one's <br />point of view, us taking action today after all these years. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I'd like to comment on that. So first of all, if there was a new <br />buyer, that's going to be a new CUP. This one's not going to pertain to the new buyer. <br />But given that, after nine years these two parties have not been able to agree and I <br />think turning them away tonight to go away and work this out themselves is the wrong <br />thing to do. The last time we did that it took us too many years to get back here. They're <br />looking for an answer tonight. <br />Chair Ritter: Weren't you here nine years ago? <br />Commissioner O'Connor: So the first private residence dispute visit to a home I had <br />was to the Millers about 10 years ago. But aside from that, right or wrong, I think it's our <br />job to finally decide something that they can't decide between themselves. The <br />escrow —I don't know if staff knows it's been in escrow, but it could have been in or out <br />of escrow with Chabad for quite some time. I'm not sure it's ever going to close. It could <br />close next week. It could close in five years. It could be a different buyer, so I don't think <br />we should kick the can down the road. I really do think we should come to finality here <br />and then if it does sell and there's a new user coming in, then it's a whole new ball <br />game we do again. <br />Commissioner Nagler: I appreciate that. Just to be clear, I am absolutely not suggesting <br />that these parties try and go figure it out. I'm clearly not suggesting that. What I was <br />suggesting is that discussion is about to occur between two new parties, one being sort <br />of the Millers.... <br />Commissioner O'Connor: But again, that could be years of agony down the road again if <br />we don't resolve something here tonight. I think after all this time of finally getting it back <br />here, we need to come to some resolution going forward, and I think what I heard from <br />Nancy is, and I'm kind of on board with Nancy, I'd like to go back to what wasn't a <br />problem and that's the original CUP. But I think that the original CUP as staff pointed <br />out is problematic in that I guess it could be interpreted because the CUP doesn't say <br />everything that the staff report said, so there are a lot of implications in the staff report <br />that should have been guiding the CUP but they didn't itemize everything in the CUP <br />according to what the concerns were in the staff report. So I think we do need to go <br />back and maybe add some language to the current CUP that gives us the result that we <br />had for the first 20 years and essentially my concern is that I don't think there should be <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 30 of 56 <br />
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