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so many the residents of Pleasanton should take a closer look at who they vote into <br />office. Please consider the destruction of lives in the Valley Trail community and do not <br />allow these activities to continue outside of the Masonic building. The Masons have a <br />responsibility to their neighbors too. Private citizen's would not be allowed to disrupt the <br />lives of their neighbors so the commercial neighbors should not be allowed to do so <br />either. Pleasanton has a reputation of being one of the best cities in the Bay Area to <br />live. Let's keep it that way. I suggest that you start enforcing your ordinances that you <br />guys set up instead of letting it get to this point, seriously. <br />Stephen Voyne: I had a question. Is the Masonic Lodge in the residential area? Is it <br />zoned residential? <br />Chair Ritter: We'll kind of go through that afterwards. <br />Voyne: The only reason it was significant to me was that if it's zoned residential, why <br />would it be considered a buffer zone? So we have the Millers that own a house that <br />was in a certain condition in regard to noise levels. The Masonic Temple was used at a <br />certain level and that changed. I would ask you to put yourself in their position both from <br />an economic standpoint; the value of their home, but more so on a quality of life issue. <br />Pleasanton has enjoyed a high status nationally as a place to raise children, education, <br />a great place to have a family and we owe past Planning Commissions, Mayor, City <br />Council people gratitude for that, and it's a constant nudge in that direction and I would <br />ask that you consider continuing in that direction by protecting the neighborhood rather <br />than a commercial interest. Thank you. <br />Bhaskar Maddi: Good evening everyone, City, Planning Commission and staff. Thanks <br />for hearing me. I was living here 15 years here in Monterey, and the City was so quaint, <br />but unfortunately, my job has moved to the south Bay and I moved to Santa Clara. <br />Everyone knows Santa Clara is so crowded and my dream City was not that design. <br />Still I'm working in the South Bay in San Jose, but I found that my dream city is <br />Pleasanton. So then I moved to Pleasanton in 2011. Still I'm working in San Jose and <br />drive everyday two hours at least to live a peaceful life in the City of Pleasanton. <br />Recently Hollywood actor, Tom Cruise, said Pleasanton is an honest and very nice City <br />and he came here a couple of times and that was a powerful statement. In the <br />statement he said that the people of Pleasanton are caring about their city. So that was <br />powerful to me and I don't consider my two hour drive every day. But all of a sudden <br />this kind of noise coming and getting the commercialized parties and all, it seems City <br />people are caring about it but I would ask them to reconsider and go for option 1 and <br />not option 3. 1 live on Bryce Canyon Court and for five years I've liked the city and it was <br />my dream to be living here and enjoy the good parts of Pleasanton. I had to think about <br />all of these things and I really appreciate if you guys would consider option 1 to keep it <br />the way it was before. I don't like option 3 and thank you for considering this. <br />Karthikeyan Radhakrishnan: I'm a new house owner and I believe I share boundaries <br />with them, but I haven't exactly measured them. So I could vouch for what these guys <br />told you that the expectation from you is very high. I work for a company in Menlo Park <br />called Facebook and I commute, but I still decided to come here because I really <br />thought my two- year -old son would have a good life here. The schools are great. The <br />neighborhood is great and my neighbors are great. I'm so disappointed to see that you <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 26 of 56 <br />