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City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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guys sat on something like this for eight years just talking codes. Codes are governed <br />by spirit and not really by words. It is the words that guide you, so one of the things that <br />people keep saying is this noise stuff. Human voices aren't noise. It is when people sing <br />together, and somebody there said they never sang in a year and that's completely not <br />true. I've been here for five months and I've heard groups of people singing. So I think <br />that is not a good estimation. I mean I did see some very insight focus come from you <br />guys in following this thought, but let me just share what my thoughts are. So noise is <br />one. The second thing is, so as Masons as free Masons as a concept as a society is <br />very honorable, is something you admire in concept, but they have to act to what they <br />stand for and what their mission is. Renting out is not the mission, right? A church <br />operating a preschool is very much in alignment with their mission. You're offering a <br />service that complements the people around you, right? So if they need to make <br />money, I would actually argue that you should run a service that complements the <br />community around you, right? And in no way renting out complements, it actually goes <br />the other way. Because you're renting to people you completely do not know which is <br />exactly the Airbnb problem, anyway they come to your homes soon, it's just an <br />amplified version of it because of 600 people here and I'm clearly concerned about the <br />security, right? When I got my house it had this beautiful landscape around it. Now I <br />figured out why the landscape is there. It's to hide this stuff. So I would say, focus on <br />the security. It's a very slippery slope. I am told that people found booze and condoms <br />and stuff on this beautiful landscape just a few yards from my fence. I mean, this is <br />something to be considered when you bring in random people, random parties that sign <br />up with whom you haven't vetted. I can pretty much say that since they didn't know <br />there were people singing in the back yard, I question whether it's even monitored. So I <br />would really worry about the safety of the place. That would be my bigger concern. I do <br />understand it's not an easy life being a non - profit. I would highly say you should do what <br />is consistent with your mission, so pick something that is consistent with your mission <br />and that complements people around you. Provide a service, because you're an <br />honorable society and I don't want to say anything bad as I actually like them, but I <br />would like to see them offer a service that complements the people around them and <br />make the amount of money which is required to run the place. Renting out is <br />dangerous. So I would say the rule of thumb is that you can always argue the code, <br />argue the finer points about what's been followed. The simple rule, as a leadership rule, <br />I would say you should never ask a guy to do something you would not do, right? So I <br />would urge you guys to ask yourself, would you permit it in your backyard live right up <br />next to it, because it's happening. The codes are not written to be there forever, and <br />that's the philosophy of law. It's meant to evolve, so I would highly recommend <br />considering not paying so much attention to the words of the code but rather the spirit of <br />the code. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Chair Ritter: First of all I want to say thank you. You guys were complimenting both <br />sides and you've given us some great feedback. That was very awesome. So what we'll <br />do now is close it. We're going to take a quick break and bring it back and then we'll <br />discuss it and hopefully come up with a vote. <br />BREAK <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 27 of 56 <br />
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