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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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that's how we came up with —I forget what the number was —that we had turned around <br />and proposed. We said during six or seven months, we'll do about eight events. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: But at no point did you say you would cease to use that area? <br />Salazar: It doesn't seem fair for us not to use that facility, that's correct, and that's <br />because, again we use it, our kids use it, so you know, it didn't seem fair for us not to be <br />able to use that. Any other questions? <br />Commissioner Balch: So could you maybe elaborate, for prior to 2008, let's call it 1980 <br />to 2005, how did you use that area, that buffer zone differently than using it <br />subsequent? <br />Salazar: Well, in 2006 was when we actually put the door in there, so prior to then <br />you're asking? <br />Commissioner Balch: Yes <br />Salazar: Again, we used it for where we would put a dunk tank out there and do BBQs. <br />One of our members has one of those BBQ things that you pull it and drop, and put it <br />back there and BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers for all of our members. <br />Commissioner Balch: So I want to ask maybe for confirmation, it sounds like that's a <br />Mason event versus it sounded like now you have talked about non -Mason rental <br />events. <br />Salazar: Right. That was strictly the Masons. <br />Commissioner Balch: So that's a significant change you would agree with, correct, since <br />approximately that point in time? <br />Salazar: Yes, because no one would rent the backyard back there, correct. <br />Commissioner Balch: Thank you. <br />Ed Broome: I don't think I'll use all five minutes and I promise I won't bring up the <br />Johnson Drive EDZ. So briefly, I live on Hawaii Court within Valley Trails. I'm <br />sympathetic to the Miller's issue. I'm fairly passionate about it now and probably more <br />passionate if I were in their proximity to the Masons. I think what I've discovered in just <br />kind of listening to staff and listening to the interaction back and forth, the use of this as <br />you just pointed out has morphed from a fraternal organization who's using the facility <br />probably a majority of the percentage of time to a semi - public venue now where they <br />have outside groups using the facility and majority of the time or at least an equal <br />amount of time. I think the other thing I found interesting was the number of sheds on <br />the property and they are not in the best condition. I think the result of those sheds <br />being there is the lease agreement or rental agreement that they have with the catering <br />company to use their commercial kitchen and yes they do obviously cater events off - <br />site, but they're there a good percentage of the time using that kitchen which is kind of <br />to me, you're splitting hairs on that use permit. Also the thing that I want to stress here <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 23 of 56 <br />
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