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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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use it back then. We have a dunk tank. We have a BBQ. We have 100 members out <br />there with our kids so I'm not sure where the statement is that they would never use <br />prior to that. That's not a true statement. We actually do rent the facility not only to <br />outside groups but also the Masons here sponsor free youth groups. Okay? I happen to <br />work with one of those. I think you mentioned that on there. It's a youth group for young <br />men where we teach them leadership skills and character development. One of those <br />things again is trying to teach them how to plan and things like that so we rent it to them <br />at a reasonable rate. It probably doesn't pay for the electricity and the use of the <br />building, but we do charge them, so there is rent associated with that but again, it's not <br />a whole lot, but it's just a way to teach them how to manage themselves and how to <br />conduct themselves in a proper way. So we do have kids out there. You know there <br />were some comments from some of the members that live in the community talking <br />about they live in the community and it's been fairly quiet. I think their concerns are <br />allowing the lodge to have 600 people out there in the backyard. I don't think they want <br />it and I know we don't want it so I don't think that's an issue. We talked about trying to <br />stay within the constraints of the timeframe in which, you know, during the day or <br />whatever. If I'm a resident of Pleasanton and I have a neighbor in the back who has a <br />pool, and during the summer they've got kids playing out there, and I'm sure if I took a <br />noise meter out there, it would probably exceed whatever the limit is that we have. But <br />that's just kids. I'm not about to call Pleasanton Police and go and have them tell my <br />neighbors in the back that they can't be jumping in the pool. So, you know, there's also <br />one of the letters that is in, actually again, in support of the Millers that talks about it's a <br />quiet community. We again try to do that. <br />Commissioner Allen, you mentioned that you were looking at our website and the last <br />entry was in May. Well, we haven't had any others since then. So we ourselves have <br />turned around and said until we get some of this fixed, again, trying to be good <br />neighbors, trying to curtail some of our rentals also. We publicly want to attest to the fact <br />that we had issues back in 2008. Yes, we put it out to a third party. It didn't work for us. <br />When the City came and asked us not to do the event, there was a signed contract so <br />we were told legally if we didn't do it they were going to sue us so we went ahead and <br />went with the event. Of course, once they broke the agreement we had to tell them to <br />stop and leave. So I publicly want to apologize to you and also to the members of <br />Pleasanton and say that wasn't our intent. So hopefully we've taken things into our own <br />hands and try to manage the issues that we have. So we're here to turn around and say <br />the Masons are trying to be good neighbors. Thanks for your time. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I have one question. You had mentioned that you had tried to <br />negotiate in the past with the Millers, but couldn't come to an agreement. <br />Salazar: Correct. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: In any of your proposals, whatever the other items were, did <br />you ever at any time agree not to use the outside buffer zone area between the building <br />and the back fence? <br />Salazar: In our agreements we turned around and that's why we were talking about <br />let's do it only a couple of times during the month that we would actually rent it, and <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 22 of 56 <br />
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