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PC 052516
City of Pleasanton
PC 052516
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Ritter: All right, any other questions? <br />Carey: You visited the whole height thing before and whether it's 30 feet, 50 feet, two <br />or three stories, and everything's under interpretation. We're hoping that we evolved to <br />a set height I think. Whatever you can get into it, I think height is the key element. <br />Beaudin: And that's what we've been comfortable with as well and that's why we're <br />recommending that the height be considered at 30 feet. You know, the difference <br />between two stories and three stories when you're walking by on the street isn't <br />perceptible, but height and massing are. So the idea here is to get a well - articulated <br />architectural style that fits with the neighborhood. The street is interesting. It kind of <br />narrows and widens as you go along Old Bernal, so whatever happens on this site will <br />likely be newer, closer to the street, and I want to make sure what we put on the <br />opposite side at this point in time is going to provide some balance for the street. Like I <br />said, in some places it's wider than others, so I want to make sure we get a significant <br />enough corner building and probably that residential building as well closer to the street <br />if this is a site plan we stick with. <br />Commissioner Brown: Yeah, I was just asking as it related to the Land Use Policy 15. <br />That's why I was asking. So one final question and maybe it's not appropriate. The Alok <br />Damireddy project and his email around of being denied at 32 feet; was his 32 feet to <br />the top of the building or was it to the other dimension that you mentioned? And, any <br />other comment around precedent- setting, fairness, etc. as it relates to this project. <br />I would agree with Gerry's comments that at the end of the day when you're on the <br />street, it's the mass of the building. <br />Carey: Could I just say, I talked to him because he's the neighbor. He, I think in <br />fairness, he had a couple of ideas going on and he did a workshop and when he came <br />to the Planning Commission, I don't know if he had a 40 -foot one or not, but he had a <br />three -story one, a two -story one, so he had two or three different plans and so his <br />zoning district is 40 feet next door. You can have a 10 -plex next door at 40 feet. Here <br />we're only zoned O so it's a little mixed match on our zoning and specific plan mixes, <br />but I don't think they wanted to see 40 feet because we don't have 40 feet except for the <br />Rose Hotel and buildings on Main, but I think the Planning Commission — because I <br />read the minutes too and I wasn't there for the workshop —he had two or three ideas <br />and he told me on the phone, "I love your project. It looks great. Pretty much I'm going <br />to vent that I didn't get what I wanted." I think he did but I think he didn't have his plans <br />lined up. He had three options and I think you guys blended it into one. <br />Chair Ritter: Yes, we had that before you were on the Commission, so, thank you. I <br />think staff could answer more. Great, thank you Mr. Carey. So we'll close the public <br />hearing and we'll bring it back to the Commission. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Chair Ritter: This is a workshop so no decisions are made. We're just exploring ideas. <br />We're going to answer these questions. Could you please, before we go through these, <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 12 of 28 <br />
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