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Commissioner Allen: What does? <br />Chair Ritter: Kimberly Commons. <br />Commissioner Allen: The Peter Street side. So now are you confirming that it is 10 feet <br />or you said 10 -15 earlier? I'm just trying to figure out if you know what it is. <br />Amos: Yes, I'm confirming that you can kind of see in the image, to the east of the <br />project, you can see where the building envelopes are and where that line is also on the <br />site plan as well, so they are about the same setbacks. <br />Commissioner Allen: These are the ones on Peters Street? <br />Amos: Correct, with the exception of the duplex on the corner. <br />Commissioner Nagler: I'm okay with it, as long as you heard the guidance on the back <br />side that the fence line needs to be more of a wall than a fence. It needs to be a <br />substantive structure that is aesthetically pleasing but acts both as a visual and a sound <br />barrier. <br />Lee: Yes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: And in the front when we talk about front setback, I think it <br />would be nice to see, and we'd have to see some visuals later, but like you said, a lower <br />hedge that separates or even a little picket fence that is more decorative; something <br />that brings that Pleasanton feel. There are a few houses down there where this is done. <br />Chair Ritter: Ok, discussion point D. <br />D. Is the proposed parking for the 536 St. John Street site acceptable? <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I don't think there's a way to fix it, but I think we should look at <br />considering the resident parking permit. <br />Seto: I should clarify. Currently right now the only resident parking system that the City <br />enforces is near the high schools to prevent high school students from parking in <br />residential neighborhoods when they should be parking on the campus. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: And how do you know if it is a student? <br />Commissioner Nagler: And Walnut Drive. <br />Seto: And Walnut Drive. The permits are issued for the residents to put in their cars for <br />them to park. <br />Commissioner Nagler: So for example from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. you can't park there. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: And what does it say on Walnut Drive? What are those <br />permits? <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 23, 2016 Page 39 of 46 <br />