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City of Pleasanton
PC 021016
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at this issue and to explore getting rid of the signs. But, I think the first step in doing so <br />would be getting a letter from the two HOAs indicating that they do indeed want to get <br />rid of the "no parking" signs. Just today, we received a letter from the Ironwood HOA <br />indicating that they are absolutely not interested in getting rid of the "no parking" signs, <br />so that's where we are today. We are happy to look into it if we get indication or support <br />for doing so from the HOAs. <br />Nagler: If I could just follow up on that, so then given the letter today from the Ironwood <br />HOA, unless the City were interested in trying to push the conversation forward, you <br />would in fact just drop it based upon that letter today, right? <br />Weinstein: I think it's unlikely that the City would just go in single - handedly against the <br />wishes of the HOAs and get rid of the signs since that was something they requested. <br />And Gerry mentioned a good point, which is that per conditions of approval for this <br />Vesting Tentative Map, Ponderosa must create a construction period parking and traffic <br />management plan that will address exactly the issues that Mr. Webster raised, making <br />sure there is adequate parking on the frontage site during the construction period so <br />residents can park. And I also want to emphasize too that as part of the development <br />project itself, Ponderosa is ensuring the provision of increased number of stalls <br />designated for Garden residents. I think 22 stalls would be designated for Gardens <br />residents on this site as compared to 15 stalls right now. So even during the project <br />operational period, after the project gets constructed there will be more parking spaces <br />for Gardens residents than exist today so the parking supply issue should actually get <br />better with construction of the project. <br />Nagler: Aside from the spaces being contiguous with where Ponderosa is proposing to <br />put up these homes, and the Gardens, the very good question that Mr. Webster is <br />asking isn't really relevant to this project, is it? Or to the approval of the project? <br />Weinstein: It's sort of indirectly related. The development plan was already discussed <br />quite a bit when this came to the Planning Commission last year and to the City Council. <br />That was the time to talk about how much parking was being developed as part of the <br />project, how that parking affected off -site uses, what the buildings look like, how big <br />they were and so forth. This action that you are taking tonight is really just to verify that <br />the Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the development plan and then to make the <br />findings required by state law. <br />O'Connor: I understand that parking issues that were brought up tonight are not directly <br />part of our decision tonight, but I know we've heard before and we did hear when we <br />had our hearings that parking here was inadequate and they were looking for a way to <br />get even more parking, even for the 25 homes that are being built here. These are <br />public streets we're talking about, right; the ones where the HOAs have asked for "no <br />parking" signs? They are public, so that would put the decision clearly in the hands of <br />the City. I understand trying to cooperate with an HOA, they have quite a few members, <br />but if we are severely lacking in parking, is there not some area /part of these <br />streets /part of that area where we could squeeze in any more parking? The parking <br />we're talking about tonight is seven extra spaces above and beyond that needs to be <br />there, which isn't very many when considering the number of units that are in the <br />Gardens as well as the new development and what's there. Is there any way to take a <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 10, 2016 Page 6 of 10 <br />
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